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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/90721069.html
  2. I hope you cleaned that on lead in the style of the original climbers. Klewin was nice enough to give us a slide show at Ropeup a couple years back!
  3. lol. "mount the face"...that is pretty good!
  4. This graph that Peter linked a while ago is due an update. Looks like they did update it but pulled it due to programming issues. Cool way to model data! http://tipstrategies.com/archive/geography-of-jobs/
  5. well it would have been interesting to see these charts if Obama had not "over achieved" from the moment he stepped into office:
  6. we just need to put some duct tape on it and crank the engine back up! but not too much duct tape.
  7. and what is the underpinning of the Bush/Obama recession (or is it depression)? The free market behaving badly? Or was it that the government wasn't managing the markets enough?
  8. that whole neighborhood is going to shit: http://www.komonews.com/news/local/90590484.html
  9. hopefully they can replace it with a giant hole in the ground similiar to the one here in West Seattle ("Hole Foods") or that was (still is?) in Wallingford.
  10. olyclimber

    Whatever Works

    so you like sucking on balls?
  11. Word on the street is that was just an alias used by Woods when he was picking up chicks.
  12. Yes, well what he put his wife through was HORRIBLE! Do you know how hard it was to console her, night after night?
  13. olyclimber

    Whatever Works

    what I don't understand with the teabaggers is those that are getting teabagging vs. those that are giving the teabagging. It seems that there is something inherently unfair with the arrangement. But then I remember, there are people that don't think like I do. In that they like sucking on balls.
  15. olyclimber

    Mods/ Off

  16. three words: Rocky. Mountain. Oysters.
  17. olyclimber


    its a euphemism for being gay
  18. [video:youtube]ID_N7rv-iN8
  19. [video:youtube]1O8jsxj9Dqo
  20. i too was legally blind without correction before the operation. i'm pretty close to 20/20 now.
  21. it can impact your night time vision, but not that much for me. there are methods for lessening this impact, ask the doctor about it when they are determining if you can even have the procedure done. i didn't have that method(s) done, but my night vision is fine. if you want to get lasik and are worried about it, i believe if you ask for the method that pilots (including US Navy pilots) get done. given that i had to wear pretty thick glasses or contacts, i am very very glad i had lasik done. at this point i'd say the lasik is very proven. that said, this is all just my opinion, i'm not a doctor, and while something like 95% of people who get it done are very happy, there is that 5% that are not happy for some reason. read about it yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LASIK
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