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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. "kinda hard" fuck all yall. its all hard to me.
  2. I love this climb and this route up, I can't recommend it more. Get sum.
  3. Hey good for you guys! That baby deserves the finest alpine air. Good on you for delivering it.
  4. Hahahaha a fine adventure! Everyone lived, so its all good. Thanks for the TR KK.
  5. looks like a nice jaunt! thanks.
  6. Well, there is no accounting for Yankees fans. They are all nuts.
  7. BTW I love it when people post shots the old summit registries up. Keep it up. And great solo Tom. I hope you find someone to share it with next time if you want that.
  8. Great TR Tom...thanks so much for sharing. You're darn right someone has a sense of humor! B.B. Alpine Club? Bronx Bombers Old Timers Day Climb. Hahahhahaha...I wonder who would think to write this in a summit register??? Joe Pepitone and Whitey Ford? LOL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Pepitone "Pepitone spent four months at Rikers Island jail in 1988 for two misdemeanor drug convictions after he and two other men were arrested on March 18, 1985, in Brooklyn after being stopped by the police for running a red light in a car containing nine ounces of cocaine, 344 quaaludes, a free-basing kit, a pistol and about $6,300 in cash.[3] Coverage of the story by WOR-TV (Channel 9) in the New York area featured clips of an incredulous Pepitone declaring, "I didn't know cocaine was illegal", and his brother Vinnie, a New York City detective, staunchly defending his character.[citation needed] He was released from jail on a work-release program when Yankee owner George Steinbrenner offered him a job in minor-league player development for the team.[4]" Whitey Ford was the pitcher, so he would have been the guy throwing a "fair heater". http://bleacherreport.com/articles/915604-whitey-ford-i-would-cheat-to-stay-pitching-in-the-major-leagues-for-the-money
  9. Love it Mikey. And I still owe you a damn shirt. Are you still at the same address?
  10. olyclimber

    Real Question

    Draft didn't stop the Korean war, or the Vietnam war, or the civil war, or ... The draft used to be the status quo and yet we still went to war a lot. Not sure why it would suddenly fix things. well the thing that changed dramatically is the media's involvement and the reporting of what war is actually like. it was never reported on like it was in the Vietnam war, and that is was has been proven to be the turning point. and in fact we are STILL talking about the Vietnam war and the draft for that war...i.e. George Bush and Mitt Romney...how did they get out of the draft for that war? Of course Obama gets a pass because he was probably in some crib in a mosque in Africa.
  11. olyclimber

    Real Question

  12. olyclimber

    Real Question

    well sure that's true. but if you really don't want to deal with an area and you can accept collateral damage, the ordinance they have at their disposal sure make things easier.
  13. olyclimber

    Real Question

    a draft is the only way to make the population care about whether we are in a war or not. otherwise it is just the people who can't afford anything else or the people who just want to be soldiers that are fighting...which is not enough of a representation of the populous. I guarantee that joe and jill mainstreet would think about us being in a never ending war differently if their kid was drafted and sent over. if there was a draft this war would have been over a long time ago. otherwise we are just dealing with a for profit war fought by mercenaries and a few gullible patriots. I know a bunch of people that have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan or both...yes they are "patriots" that believe in America and all that stuff...and they are good people...but I'm relatively sure they would not have gone if the pay wasn't so good over there. I'm definitely not saying this is the case for everyone...maybe you're different and the money doesn't matter. But its unlikely. Vietnam will likely be the last war with a draft. Not only had technology advance to where feet on the ground don't matter as much, but the political consequences wouldn't allow it to happen.
  14. [video:youtube]b0jqPvpn3sY
  15. Did you and Rat use an official timer? Did you count the time from when you got out of the car, or did you from when you started hiking from the trailhead? What make/model of timing device did Rat use?
  16. Well the party that posted that are two of the most accomplished athletes that post on this site (Uli I know he absolutely owned runs in the PNW for a long while). I'm not so much sensitive to your post as much as I just think you're being a bit narrowed minded or perhaps dense. To post a TR here there has NEVER been a requirement to actually climb anything. In fact some great TRs have been all about failure to do so. It is more about sharing the conditions of the back country, sharing some positive stoke, and yes occasionally throwing down a challenge or setting a bar. the fact of the matter is that these guys did something that pretty incredible....if you don't believe its true then go try it yourself. Anyway, it is a discussion, but I don't think it much of one. We would MUCH rather have these guys posting their times, sharing their pictures of the backcountry, and challenging us to get out and speed hike/run that country if it is out thing. If it isn't? Well don't read the TR or skip the bolts.
  17. olyclimber

    MY CD

    if you can get a tube tape recorder this will provide a warmer sound once you get it to youtube.
  18. olyclimber

    MY CD

    Get a tape recorder and then play the CD and record it from your speakers. then use your computer to record the playback of the tape recorder, and then upload this to youtube.
  19. http://radio.myanimalhome.net/
  20. [video:youtube]YCiY1y3uJ3o i only listen to this song, over and over. call me.
  21. [video:youtube]WxBeyT5884w
  22. [video:youtube]_9IR8XwA_9A
  23. [video:youtube]puunw6YEHIA
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