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Everything posted by Rad

  1. I climbed in MA and CT for a few years. Chopping bolts was only one mode of destructive protest by Nichols. I will be surprised if he stays clean during his probation.
  2. OK. I haven't pulled mine yet, but I hear this is a fairly common (and serious) injury when people start ramping up the training. If you tore yours what happened? What would you have done differently? I am stressing everything more these days (weighted pullups and climbing, dynamic bouldering, harder (for me) redpoints) but am also trying to take basic precautions (rest days, stretching, no single-digit work, no campus boards). Advice appreciated. Thanks.
  3. I used to have tiblocs and cord on my harness all the time but I removed them at some point. I will put them back now. Thanks for posting!
  4. "About 3/4's of the staircase was wet and my buddy aided those sections to keep on pace.". Bummer. That was one of my most favorite pitches anywhere. I hope to get back some day. The face moves below were the technical crux, I believe. Straight up past the bolt felt harder than 10b, but 8-10ft right it felt about 10a. We also had a mini-epic on the last pitch. I climbed a ramp left and then back right over a manzanita bush. I flipped the rope into the bush so it would run straighter. Then there was a steep face with a tv-size block balanced on it right over my belayer down below. I had two options: 1- an unprotected traverse right toward something that looked like a crack, or 2 - a few unprotected boulder moves up to a crack above. I chose the latter, which involved balancing carefully on the block, doing some 5.8+ moves up the face, and then gaining the crack. Unfortunately, the crack soon ran out. I then had to climb up and right over a smooth face (5.9+) that was pure friction (no holds for 20 feet) and no pro. Ropedrag was a bitch and I knew a fall might send me all the way to the manzanita bush some 50feet below. Somehow I made it over to another crack and set up an anchor. My partner had to climb through the manzanita bush because of where I had flipped the rope. He got stabbed in the shin (those things are evil) and his rock shoe was pretty much full of blood when he got up to me. We topped out and did the endless knob friction scamper on the descent. Twas a grand adventure for a 24 yr old leader - that was 15 years ago, but I still remember it well. thanks for bringing that back.
  5. Nice pics. Inverted staircase brings back great memories. Was there water running out of one of the roofs on the staircase pitch? I couldn't step over it and slipped and whipped trying to move past. The #2 cam was in the water, but thankfully it held. I'll have to put Hoodwink on the list.
  6. Ratings are subjective. Actual results may vary. ..itch... I was fortunate to spend Saturday linking the W face of NEWS with the SW rib of SEWS. ...scratch... The first sections of both routes are mildly annoying, but the upper sections make up for it. itch..scratch...itch, ITCH. FYI, W face NEWS can be climbed in 3.5 pitches with a 60m rope. 1 = link p1 and p2 in Nelson to a tree near a large alcove. 2 = link p3 (left corner above alcove) and p4 (wide crack to flake to undercling) in Nelson. 3 = thin '11' crack to '10 and easier' crack. 4 = traverse right (cross on a well-worn but unprotected traverse rather than a mystery bolt up in the lichen) to another crack and scramble up to the crest. scratch, scratch... THERE ARE TWO BLOCKS NEAR THE TOP OF THE BLACK SLAB THAT NEED TRUNDLING. One is toaster-sized, the other is TV-sized (flat screen). Your rope might run on or over them if you follow the lichen-free path everyone takes. Make sure no one is below as they will fall directly over the pitches below. ITCH, ITCH! The finger crack on SEWS mentioned above was the highlight of the route imho, though the Boving roofs look even better (perhaps next time). The upper pitches on this route are short. We linked the finger crack with the black slab. Alternatively, you could link the slab and the bearhug 'pitch' above. SCRATCH, SCRATCH, SCRATCH!!! Bring bugspray!!! Mosquitoes were bad at the base of the climb in the morning and we forgot the chemical weapons of mass deterrant at home. As always, the parking lot was mosquito nirvana and climber hell. itch...
  7. Swallowed by the sea. Tragic and poetic. RIP
  8. Sounds like an excellent adventure you will remember all your life. That's what it's all about. It seems the gods were trying to send you a message...do you know what it was? Next time do the lower half of the route too. It is excellent. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Rad

    dynamic belay

    Remember the KISS acronym? For getting started, lock off and just catch the fall. In 99.9% of situations getting fancy is asking for trouble. Anything that absorbs energy adds to the dynamic quality of the belay. Dynamic comes from many places: 1 - Rope stretch. 2 - Harness pinching belayer body. 3 - Mass/inertia/movement of belayer. 4 - Rope slip through device. 5 - Knot tightening (both ends). 6 - Minimal stretch of other components (e.g. slings).
  10. As Clinton said, it all depends on the definition of "it". CNR TR last year Bring it on!
  11. Amazing how little snow is left up there this early.
  12. Thanks for the encouragement and thanks to all of you who served as guinea pigs in the process! We have another crag in the works but are always looking for more opportunities. Why don't you or your friend send me a pm.
  13. Go in Mtneer creek and out Teannaway. Car shuttle or get friends to assist in transport. It's a lot of miles on the road but still easier and faster than walking around the mountain or rapping endless choss towers. Also, if you go late enough you can leave axes and crampons at home.
  14. I am planning to head up there later this summer. Is this a better route to do than than the NE buttress? We haven't been back in the area before but have a decent amount of alpine rock experience. Thanks, Rad
  15. The Shakespeare Wall: Four good climbs in a semi-alpine setting close to the Deception area of Exit 38 provide a nice respite from the crowds below. We hope you enjoy these climbs. Please help keep the area clean. Routes are listed from left to right (pictures below): Macbeth. 5.10a. *** 23m. 8 bolts. Start at the left end of the obvious slab. Gain the slab, step across to the upper face at the third bolt, and continue to the top. This route has high quality moves from the opening mantle all the way to the chains. Avoid the somewhat loose band below the headwall by going high on the slab and stepping across. FA: 6/06 Rad Roberts, Alex Krawarik, Scott Anderson. As You Like It. 5.9. ** 18 meters. 7 bolts. Start at the toe of the buttress 50 feet right of Macbeth. The upper crux has many solutions. All are photogenic. Bring long runners and stay left to avoid loose rock at mid-height. FA: 6/06 Alex Krawarik, Scott Anderson, Rad Roberts. Midsummer Nights Dream. 5.10b. *** 20 meters. 7 bolts. Start 30 feet right of As You Like It. Follow the rock band under and around a large roof. Fun, sustained moves will get the blood flowing. FA: 6/06 Rad Roberts, Alex Krawarik, Scott Anderson. Comedy of Errors. 5.10b. ** 20 meters. 4 bolts. Start on Midsummer, climb over the roof at the chain, and enjoy the crack and face to the Midsummer anchor. If you don’t find the hidden hold you may be in for a Comedy of Errors. Lower to the ground from the anchor and then follow to clean. FA: 6/06 Scott Anderson, Rad Roberts, Alex Krawarik. Approach: Follow directions to the Deception area of X38. Take the trail that starts just past Side Dish (just before a fence), pass Late For Dinner and Just Dessert, and continue uphill for another 7 minutes. From the 6th switchback you can see an unclimbed wall above a talus gully. Keep going for one long switchback and one short one. Split off right at the 8th switchback at a small cairn. You cannot see the Shakespeare wall from this point. If you come out on a ridge overlooking the Hall Creek canyon you have gone too far. After departing the main trail, follow a gradually rising, traversing trail, walk atop a huge fallen log, pass the end of another giant log, then ascend 100 feet to the base of the Shakespeare wall. Macbeth will be the first climb you see. Despite extensive cleaning, you may encounter some loose rock. Caveat emptor. If you have any questions or feedback please contact us. Macbeth - Dashes indicate the slab not visible from this angle. As You Like It Blue = Midsummer Nights Dream Red = Comedy of Errors Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
  16. "Is the approach supposed to come close to Terror creek?" Nope. It turns uphill before you ever get to Terror Creek. It was night when I came out from Terror Creek to the trail the other direction, but I'd guess it was somewhere between several hundred yards and half a mile. The best landmark is the small creek mentioned several times above. You can't miss it because it is the only creek with water that crosses the logging road after about half way.
  17. "Secondly, what sizes protect the lieback pitch on the genderarme" 3/4, 1, 2 camalots will be fine. Nothing you won't already be carrying. You actually don't need more than about four pieces to that pitch because it's short and there are good rests between stances.
  18. For those who thought it was a worthwhile route, it sounds like it might be best to turn around after pitch 15 to avoid choss and anchorless rappelling. Is that about right?
  19. Sad news. RIP. I think I'll make sure the pocket glacier is gone before heading up there.
  20. "Do you mean the obvious crack about 10-15' right, visible in the photo? Or another one?" We had only 1 #3 camalot and 1 #2 so I found an alternate to that hand/fist crack, which does look stellar. The crack we did may be the one in the photo or perhaps even another ten feet right (out of the photo). It is perfect hands, sustained but not too hard, and goes over a very small roof mid-height, finishing near the chimney-shaped block on the upper right skyline in that shot. Then you climb about 20 feet or so up a face around to the right (N) to get to the top of the buttress (where we slept, roped in, watching the stars, while slipping off my sleeping pad toward the void - good times!) The trail is about 100 yards PAST the creekbed that crosses the logging road trail around 4 miles out. Drink and fill your water bottles here as there is none on the steep ascent. As Chuck mentioned, you have to go downhill/downstream a little bit to pick up the trail to the campsite (a flat open area in the forest). Both times I've been there people had laid lots of stones in a line to mark the start of the ascent trail.
  21. Nice report. Persistence is key. I have very fond memories of that route and don't remember it as chossy as you describe. Then again, we were climbing in the mist for most of our trip so I had other concerns. FYI, about 25 feet right of your final splitter crack is another handcrack that may be a bit easier, but still 5.9. The 'trail' is worn from the converging feet of climbers, so hopefully an efficient path of least resistance will emerge again over time. Again, good job.
  22. Hope all parties are ok. That Osman video was probably staged. Experienced climber who likes to catch big air has multiple pieces rip on a gently overhanging route while the camera is rolling... For some real footage: Whimpering Brits catch air
  23. Your lovely graph clearly supports my points. Is there a source article/reference that goes with it? Curious.
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