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Everything posted by Rad

  1. It will be perfect Weather. sorry I can't join you. Enjoy, Gene!
  2. You should simul most of the route, and when you do try not to have more than 30-35m between you. Otherwise rope drag is bad. The gendarme pitches are short. I'd say single 60 is fine. You don't want to retreat off the route anyway, just go up and over.
  3. High marks for ProFormance Rehab on Eastlake in Seattle. Helped me avoid the knife.
  4. The problem with the walk-off is that people get tempted to cut left too soon and get cliffed out or on some "steeper than we wanted terrain". Follow the WELL-WORN trail and stay right when there are choices.
  5. It just needs a via ferrata so everyone can know where to go.
  6. No way it's hot, buggy and the climbs are mank at nevermind, the last time I was there every hold had a rattle snake sleep'n on it and ticks under every bush!!!! You're right, it IS mank. A giant block came off Steep Street some years ago so the start is now harder and you step up into an undercling on a protruding rock chip that looks like it'll blow off in your face at any minute. Two key holds past the upper crux of Culture Shock are wiggly blocks that will come out some day. All you have to do is look at the rubble under your feet to see what happens to most holds eventually. But it's still fun!
  7. Nevermind at x38 stays shaded all day and usually has a breeze
  8. Send pm with description and your contact info so you can be reunited.
  9. Rad


    Kev, I don't think those are family guys in the Red Bull vid. Try this on for size:
  10. "Frozen good" isn't going to matter if the mountainside falls down some more. Those Flickr pics are pretty amazing. Don't mess with Mother Nature!
  11. Yep. For that matter so is Space Face, but the question is are they fun? I'd say yes.
  12. Wierd. There's got to be more to the story.
  13. Maybe they only moved it in your memory...
  14. Hopefully someone will post a recent pic for you, but regardless of its condition you can always climb the rocks to the left. Have fun!
  15. Yep. A single 60 is fine for the NE ridge. It's a lovely route in a great position with views of the Southern pickets and the barrier. Very moderate and casual. The shwack to/from civilization was far more harrowing for us, but we were probably not on the right 'route' for that. I think the bivy sites and large S-facing slabs below the NE ridge are gorgeous too.
  16. Sweet! Post a TR and let us know what you think. Note Blake traversed about 25ft right after first belay to start of 2nd pitch.
  17. Rad

    Mt Adams climb

    Beginner rule #37: Take your crampons OFF before you glissade!!!
  18. I've heard starfish, but go google famous boarders and read their blogs. That will get you in the lingo game.
  19. I'm cross-fitting shorts over polypro
  20. Go for it. Just make sure there is no one anywhere near the impact area. If bolts get flattened they can be replaced or not as needed. Be careful, and remember trundling is like riding a bad motor scooter, really fun by you don't want to be seen doing it. I pitched a 250 pounder off the new crag just yesterday. BOOM!
  21. The down-sloping landings for most big park jumps mean you can land on your back and have a decent chance of only bruise your ego. I've landed on my back and face more than once, but not going inverted as I'm not that good. Half pipe is certainly a place for board grabs, but half pipes are generally separate from the park runs. There might be an isolated short section of quarter pipe (one side of a half pipe) and that is a good place for a grab. Also fun for your story is the fact that there are likely to be a hoard of teenage boarders and terrain park skiers sitting above the jump watching everyone who comes down and styles or lands on their back. Add to that pumping music from speakers, super baggy pants, and you're starting to get the picture. Sorry, but I can't help with the lingo, dude. Good luck! Sounds fun. Makes me think of this song: ......... Paperback writer Paper back writer (paperback writer) Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book? It took me years to write, will you take a look? It's based on a novel by a man named Lear And I need a job, so I want to be a paperback writer, Paperback writer. It's the dirty story of a dirty man And his clinging wife doesn't understand. The son (The Sun) is working for the Daily Mail, It's a steady job but he wants to be a paperback writer, Paperback writer. Paperback writer (paperback writer) It's a thousand pages, give or take a few, I'll be writing more in a week or two. I can make it longer if you like the style, I can change it round and I want to be a paperback writer, Paperback writer. If you really like it you can have the rights, It could make a million for you overnight. If you must return it, you can send it here But I need a break and I want to be a paperback writer, Paperback writer. Paperback writer (paperback writer) Paperback writer - paperback writer Paperback writer - paperback writer
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