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Phil K

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Everything posted by Phil K

  1. Duplicate post; my bad.
  2. Too cool not to share. 3.8 Billion Pixel photo composite created by David Breashears from 477 individual hi-res images. Enjoy.
  3. Ohhh, pictures????? Kein Danke.
  4. Phil K


    Somebody capped KKK? OMG!!!
  5. He might just be the best Republican ever to run, as long as he can get Ivan as his running mate. sorry, i won't be available - my recent write-in campaign for superintendent of public instruction is likely to keep my occupied for a long, long time Hey, you got my vote Ivan.
  6. It seems that Colin's done it, maybe someone else, though I couldn't find a TR.
  7. "Paging Jason Griffith, paging Jason Griffith."
  8. Didn't Christie come up with a counter-proposal for an eating contest?
  9. He's an extremist. No different than Rush Limbaugh or anyone far right that you would hate. [video:youtube]
  10. Phil K

    Real Question

    'Don't know what you're talking about bro.
  11. Phil K

    Real Question

    Pink + Kevbone = Happy Ending.
  12. Phil K

    Real Question

    [edit: In response to KKK, above] Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Shall we argue about which figure is more significant? Either way, that same webiste (I am not vouching for the accuracy of one source, BTW) puts the US at #3 behind Switzerland and Austria. I'm really not interested in spending much more time going back and forth over this, but I do think that if you want to make a point, sticking to actual facts is appropriate. Oh, and we do spend too flipping much on Defense. Duh. And you forgot the pagetop snaffle.
  13. If you fell on a doubled single rope and managed to have both strands take the fall, your impact forces would go way up. Much better to use a single strand w/ coils, or a doubled half (or even better-twin) rope.
  14. Phil K

    Real Question

    Why has no one yet called BS on KKK's assertion? Per capita education spening.
  15. Phil K

    Poor Me.

    Otherwise known as the "prison years". 'Cause we all know Jason NEVER gets out any more.
  16. Or... post pictures that are 10x too big to display on a page.
  17. That's a fact. The “class 4 my ass” might be avoidable, but it is mountain goat terrain for sure.
  18. Phil K

    A Real NW Star

  19. Jackbooted liberals.
  20. Don't get me wrong, I'm no huge fan of President Obama (I'm not on such familiar terms with him that I call him Barry), but considering the alternative we were/are being presented with, it's pretty easy to make the right call. Unless you're [Edit: and yes- point taken Jon]
  21. :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke:
  22. Why are you dudes getting all aggro with each other when, as JayB pointed out, it's really those greedy over-compensated public employees we should be pissed at? I mean.... pensions and health care and all that. What do they think this is, Soviet Russia?
  23. Phil K

    Is this for real?

    "Let's see, should I scamper off to the solid looking neve to my right, or try my luck with this thin sheet of snice with water running underneath it?"
  24. Sorry Kev, that was too easy to resist. We do differ in opinion, but in a relatively civil way.
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