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Phil K

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Everything posted by Phil K

  1. How about giving more tax cuts to the rich? It has the same proven record of failure w/ regards to creating jobs and stimulating the economy as praying to Baby Jeasus has at ending droughts, and the R's are still trying to sell it under the same ol' BS Trickle Down story that they have been since Saint Ronnie's time.
  2. At the moment I'm kind of liking The Good Space Guy. [video:youtube]
  3. What I said. These come with a full height gator, 'cause gator's gotta gate. Excellent condition. $70 Just like these but taller. Forty Below Get 'em now for your big Denali trip. PM me if interested.
  4. Hey cool- my page has a link to The Heritage Foundation at the bottom. And they've got a plan to get us out of debt and secure our freedumbs,and bury the librul agenda forever. And a picture of Saint Ronnie! Y'all be sure and donate now.
  5. Sereni-tay.
  6. Phil K

    I'M IN LOVE!!!

    Another lovable philanderer contemplating the quest: “He’s seriously considering it,” said a Republican source close to Giuliani, who placed fourth in New Hampshire in 2008. Two other former aides who have stayed in touch with the mayor but do not have permission to speak on the record about his thinking said they agreed. And in an interview, Giuliani was coy but did not rule it out, saying, “I would say I have not closed the door on doing it.” Bring on Da' Freekz.
  7. Oh, sorry; we were having a serious discussion here.
  8. Phil K

    This just in....

    I think that the odds of a hard landing are still a bit better than 50/50. Like enough people wake up somehow tame the giant greedy multinational corporate beast. OK, less than 50/50 on second thought. I'm hoping that I'm either old enough to miss the swirling ride down the loo or somehow going to be isolated enough to watch in fascinated horror. Like watching that Tsunami on YouTube; awesome, but it sucks to be swept up and ground to bits.
  9. Phil K

    This just in....

    I'm trying to be diplomatic. Either way, the strategy is working- The Koch Bros, Bill O'Rotten, Saint Ronnie, the Drug Addled Windbag, et al convince a whole lotta JayB's out there that those low life welfare queens and bloated public employees are what's standing between them and THE GOOD LIFE. Pawns; yes, sociopaths; not always.
  10. Phil K

    This just in....

    "Yes, but that would not be the new, uninhibited right wing way of doing things. Among the new right, being free from social conventions and moral constraints means being proud to display one's sociopathic tendencies." With all due respect, you do tend to see everything as a manifestation of your Great Struggle Of The Oppressed Masses Against The Man worldview. Not that you're incorrect, the "Haves" are using their economic leverage to undo every progressive measure of the past century any way that they can. But when it comes down to the individual case, as seen here, maybe it's just a matter of being smug, selfish, and a little bit insecure.
  11. Phil K

    This just in....

    "Doesn't have anything to do with my politics - but the fact that I'm married to someone that's hot, fit, smart, talented, and loves to ski, climb, travel, and makes good money doing something she enjoys that genuinely helps people probably means that I can personally look down on a guy like you, though." 'Doesn't mean you should.
  12. If they fall off anything under 5.12D he beats them?
  13. That's more like it!
  14. Ahhhh, I just felt that spray was lacking in cultural insensitivity lately.
  15. First it's High Speed Trains (that reminds me, where's that N2O2 fellow lately?) and now these uber-cute realistic cyborgs. Those Chinese have got us beat. Game Over Man. Game Over!
  16. I heard he was down in South America recently attending a bike-in.
  17. Let's talk about High Speed Trains instead.
  18. That's pretty hardcore Jeff. You guys ought to be ready for the Polish Route by now, eh?
  19. You really DO have your head up your ass, Don't you Nitwit?
  20. Phil K

    Vegans with Pets

    And ACUALLY one rung below Republicans: No thanks, I'll just have the prana. Or maybe they're correct, and we're polluting our bodies with food and water.
  21. It's your lead, chop chop.
  22. Drill Baby, Drill.
  23. Good point.
  24. I hear that he wore a codpiece for his big meeting with President Hu.
  25. With Chode-boy at the front of the line... followed by: Prole j_b JosephH Hey- let's make shit up!
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