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Everything posted by murraysovereign

  1. Jeezuz - even in hockey that's against the rules, although there may not be a penalty called if it's the referee who does it.
  2. I'll bet even the 2% could get away with 100-mile-range vehicles for a lot, if not the majority, of their driving. On those occasions when you need a longer range vehicle, you can rent one for pretty cheap. Most people don't need to own a long-range vehicle and drive it every day: they just need access to one from time to time.
  3. But BIG OIL is gonna divert all the NG to Fort McMurray to be used in extracting and upgrading the bitumen, so there'll be none left for you to use in your stupid gay little "clean-burning natural gas" car. The only NG they'll let you use is the stuff that's been bound up in the synthetic crude they're refining into gasoline. They're closing the loop, and shutting out all you muskeg-hugging hippies. Bwahahahaha!!!
  4. Copycat! The Barriere fire north of Kamloops destroyed several homes in the town of Louis Creek, wiped out the sawmill that was pretty much the entire local economy, cost the life of a helicopter pilot who died fighting the fire, and was started by a fireman. He was adjusting the satellite dish in the back yard and put his cigarette down on the lawn while he tightened a bolt or something. By the time he turned around to pick up his smoke the flames had crossed the lawn and were spreading through the brush up the hillside. I think he was charged with "criminal negligence causing the end of the world" or something like that. I feel sorry for the guy, 'cause who among us hasn't accidentally burned down the whole town at least once, right? But I also understand why everyone in town is pretty pissed at him... On the plus side, he was a volunteer fireman, so we didn't have to pay him for it.
  5. I wonder if he'll post a TR here. Whistler free-soloist
  6. murraysovereign

    over Lindner

    From the thread title "Over Lindner" I thought this was going to be one of those hi-def heli-cam films of, I dunno, maybe the top of Lindner's head or something...
  7. The original sender of this email seems to think that "Post-American" requires explanation. How dumb is your intended audience, when your message has to include a remedial language lesson?
  8. murraysovereign


    So, your idea was we should stay for another 5-10 years, soak another half trillion and 4k or so more young Americans? And you'd be expecting the situation then to somehow be different than it is today? Do tell, in what way? Ummmmm... no? I was being sarcastic, suggesting that Serenity is pissed because the last combat units left Iraq. I was, sarcastically, suggesting that Serenity is pissed because a bleeding heart librul mooslum is president, and as a direct result a perfectly good shooting war has been completely ruined, with the US armed forces reduced to nothing but training and support roles. My "idea" was - and still is - that invading Iraq was a stupid thing to do in the first place.
  9. murraysovereign


    Not exactly. Not by a long shot. Take a bong hit, sit down, and shut up. Worse - there are no more combat units in Iraq, 'cause that sumbitch Obama cut and ran.
  10. Off and on for years. I've found that diligent stretching helps, but the ultimate cure is balanced strengthening of the medial thigh muscles. You know that "Thigh Master" thingy Susanne Summers used to sell on late-night infomercials? Anything that replicates that type of exercise will help. I use a thera-band around my ankle, with the other end around the foot of the sofa, and pull against it repeatedly while watching TV. I've also noticed it doesn't bother me during ski season, presumably because telemarking works all the muscles in the leg so that everything is better balanced. IT bands only bother me during the summer when all my activities seem to work only the outer muscles. So if I could keep skiing all year 'round, my problem would be solved.
  11. Which was the largest? I would guess either the Hope Slide, or maybe the Frank Slide. Frank was certainly deadlier, but Hope might have been physically bigger. Smallest would probably be Al "Landslide" Passeral, who won his riding in northwest BC by a single vote. Legend has it the NDP opponent and his wife had not got around to voting, otherwise the result would have been an equally small landslide the other way.
  12. Having billions of dollars is aid...
  13. Not really "rock" at all - kind of loosely unconsolidated volcanic rubbish - ash, pumice, bits of basalt here and there. You know... "choss"
  14. But the population will crash again when they all develop Type-2 Diabetes.
  15. I love how The Province puts that story in the "Entertainment" section.
  16. Who discriminated against the whites? Why, lots of people discriminate against whites, all the time. White people are constantly having their jobs taken away from them, by people who aren't white. Indians and Japanese and Chinese and Koreans, and don't get me started on those Mexicans - taking white people's jobs left and right. And they call us names, too, you know, like "whitey" and "honky" and stuff like that. I myself was once called a "WASP". Think about that - "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" is about as rascist as it gets. Why single out just the white anglo-saxons, huh? If that isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. No-one ever says a word about the black anglo-saxons, or the arab anglo-saxons, or the chinese anglo-saxons. No, it's only the white anglo-saxons. That's discrimination: we're being systematically singled out from all the other anglo-saxons just because we're white, and I for one am about fed up with it.
  17. Expect snow. Anything above about 3500' around here is still well buried. Not sure about the Sky Pilot area specifically, but Elfin Lakes / Garibaldi Lake are both still under 1.5 to 2 metres. With the heat coming, things will start to melt out, but I doubt 2 weeks will be enough to get rid of all of it.
  18. Actually, I am going to thank you. But what's any of this got to do with wasting time??
  19. When I was down sailing with some friends last November we heard the Willie T is for sale. Wanna go halfers? I think they were only asking a couple of million for it. Stupid high cash flow; no income taxes: shouldn't be too hard to pay off the loan if you can stay sober enough to make the bank deposits...
  20. Heads up, all you pebble-wrestlers! Quickdraw's new edition of the Squamish Bouldering Guide will be available at Valhalla Pure Outfitters (Squamish) sometime this afternoon, and presumably at Climb-On also. More distant shops should be receiving theirs in the next week. I could throw in a bunch of adjectives and stuff, like "NEW!!" or "IMPROVED!!" or "LESS FILLING!!", but I'm not much of a marketer so I'll leave that to others. Suggested retail is $37.95, but we'll selling it for something less than that - probably around $34.95
  21. So the government has no business regulating private industry, in fact has no business being involved in private industry in any way, but government is responsible for cleaning up the mess caused by those industries. Do you actually believe that?
  22. I couldn't care less how many times either of them "visited" whatever location. It's irrelevant. GWB's seven visits to the Gulf Coast region in the aftermath of Katrina are a perfect example. Collectively, they accomplished absolutely nothing - the place is still a wreck all these years later. Heck of a job, there, George. Similarly, Obama's 2 visits to the Gulf Coast region in the aftermath of the blowout have also accomplished... absolutely nothing. Thanks for "visiting," Mr President. Neither of them accomplished a damned thing by visiting the area, however many times they did it. Since you seem intent on keeping score, it turns out that on a "results per visit" basis, GWB's visits were 3.5 times as useless as Obama's visits. So I guess your guy wins(?) that round. I also don't care how many funerals either of them did or did not attend. It's irrelevant. You, however, seem to think that not attending funerals is an indication that Obama is Not Up To The Task. But you were strangely silent on Bush's failure to attend funerals, and how that indicated that he, also, must have been Not Up To The Task. My comments had nothing to do with whether either president was/is competent. I was merely pointing out your own double standard.
  23. Refresh my memory - how many funerals did GWB attend in his 8 years? There were plenty of opportunities, post-Katrina, post-Iraq, post-Afghanistan, post-9/11. I don't recall a big White House presence at many - if any - of those many thousands of funerals, and I also don't recall you claiming that it somehow demonstrated your man in the Oval Office wasn't "up to the task". Evidently something has changed...
  24. You beat me to it - I was just about to post the same link. From about 1:12 or so, you can trace their progress as they make their way up from below and to the right of the summit.
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