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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Dood you missed Amasaback and the Portal trails. Those trails are my second and third favorite trails after Poison Spider. At some point I have to go later in the spring or early summer and do shuttle from the La Sal to Poison Spider. It comes out to be about 30+ miles of mainly downhill riding. The trail out of the La Sal's has all kinds of dirt jumps and kickers. I saw pictures and the ride looks epic.
  2. Yep, shit happens, especially when your crawling through it.
  3. All this talk about Simon, what about Joe. Some things I thought of when I saw the movie last night. First should Joe have kept his whole pack? I think I would have trimmed it down so to the necessities. Was it really beneficial to carry a spent stove among other items? Should he have kept pulling the rope down to himself once he realized Simon wasn't attached to it? Should he have splinted his leg earlier? over all thought the movie was most excellent.
  4. rr666, I know the bc around Stevens has been great, but I haven't been up to the mountain recently so not sure what the conditions are up there. BP aka Mr. Peru aka hiphop miester, whadup, if you read this can you give us an update, a low down on the up high?
  5. Come on,don't you love your seven wives?
  6. ken4ord

    Caption THIS!

    Yo GB, you wanna Puff the Magic Dragon with me. Dis some dope dope.
  7. ken4ord

    Caption THIS!

    HiiiWaaaa!!!! Grasshoppa in time you will see all other non-Americans are the enemy and they must be karate chopped.
  8. Man your off your rocker. Sorry your on your own on this one.
  9. Must say I am thinking about both. Still want some more untracked powder lines, but I always think about Moab and desert riding out there. Moab rocks.
  10. Yeah that was me, it took me a while to figure out which way to have my finger positioned for the shallow mono, and I had to wait for the right conditions inorder to stick the sloper.
  11. So who into going up from Seattle? I really would like to hop on Syncro or one of the routes out on that wall.
  12. Fern I don't think it was touching though. I thought it was just death-sicle when we drove by yesterday? On a cancelled Ice Fest note, the folks that own Reynolds also have a ranch in Hat Creek that they rent out for $400 a night sleeps 10. Only 20 minutes from Marble Canyon might be fun place to stay for a climbing and night time debauchery, though it definitely fun hanging in town at night.
  13. My pet peeve is the person behind me, obviously sick and contagious, couging and sneezing all their germs (snot, mucous, phlegm, etc) onto the back of my head and into my breathing zone. In my opinion, that's an assault that they should be held accountable for. At least when I'm sitting by a fat person I can get up and stand for much of the flight....and when I'm sitting down I can flatulate and make them just as uncomforable as I am. I hate that too, so I just turn on the air vent above and face it back to them.
  14. Cool on Southwest it sounds like you can get a seat that you don't have to share.
  15. Damn that would be good to know which airlines charge extra. At least you would know whether or not your seat might have a chance of being overflowed into by a neighbor.
  16. I am glad you can appreciate it.
  17. Climb: Lillooet-Reynolds Hotel Pub Club Date of Climb: 1/31-2/1/2004 Trip Report: Well our adventure started by leaving Seattle at 5:00 am and rolling into Sumas at 7:00 am. SpecialEd, Paco and myself stopped at the Tim Hortons to pick up a fourth, Fern. We rolled in to find Fern passed out in the corner window with gear piled all around her, what a sight, wish we had the camera out. After getting a few munchies we hit the road and headed to Frasser Canyon. The ice wasn't in so we kept heading north, eventually settling for a climb East of Litton, help me out you guys I can't remember the name. It was a nice 3-3+ single pitch route. SpecialEd headed up first, Paco pink-pointed the route with the screws that SpecialEd placed, at one point there was so many screws with draws hanging off the route that it looked like a grid bolted sporto area. With all the people that were there we all managed three lines up the flow. I ended climbing side-by-side with this one guy from Bellingham. Two guys from Ecudor were the last to show up, felt bad for the leader as it seemed he took most of the shelling that was going on that day. Well after that we head to the Mile-o-Motel and to get food. As Dru mentioned, everybody and there mama was up there. A good time to be had. Dinner, , ,and more made pool interesting. After a bit everybody left except Paco and myself, someboday had to pick up the slack and finish off that pitcher that Percy had bought us. As we were playing some pool things started getting interesting at Reynolds. A crew of younger locals showed up all f-up and looking to get shittier. Ray-Ray and his buddy KC were going to set me up with some kind BC after more pool I was beginning to wonder if I was going to get some , then some others volunteered, well things got a little heated for a second and SpecialEd roled back with my car. I figured nothing was going to happen except for maybe a fight, so I wanted out of there, but eventually things settled down and we were on our way. We left the bar with Ray-Ray and KC and to see what 20 can get, I must say I was very impressed. Then it was off to the Mile-o-motel to party. Well after several more and lots of midnight rolled around and it was time to get some sleep for tomorrow. Had Fern set the alarm for 6, thank gawd she forgot to turn it on. The next morning we woke up around 8, all of us seemed to be moving a little slow, understandbly so. Pack up talked to Dru and Steve a little, poor bastards woke to a flat tire in the morning, hopefully you guys were still able to get out. Got some breakie over a Reynolds and we were off to the Rambles. Pulled into the parking lot, actually off to the side of the road and got suited up. We decided to do the climb to the left of Shreddie. Rope-gun SpecialEd made quick work on the first thin interesting pitch and then belayed me up. After a little looking at the second decided to give it a go, it didn't look that bad. It was fun, had work for placements cause there was so much shite on the pitch, but it went ok. Really glad I got on it, really needing to get some mileage leading in this season. SpecialEd and I rapped out of there to go to work on getting rid of the evidence, while Paco and Fern were climbing the route. After some diddle-daddling around, we glissadaed practically right down to the car, an awesome ride down. Back at the car the sun was out, so we sat out and getting rid of more evidence and soaking up the rays of the sun. Forgot how long it had been since I had seen it, it felt so good. We kept figuring that any moment Fern and Paco would coming down our glissade track. Several later the sun dipped below the ridge, SpecialEd and I scrammbled to get the yard sale back inside the car and start cranking the heat. Hmm, an hour had passed, the wtf was going on were those guys having epic, no they couldn't be, could they?.?. Eventually Fern came out of the woods, pretty funny watching Fern trying to make her way out to the road, felt like a real gaper sitting in a heated vehicle watching someone wallow through the snow, well for Fern the snow was about armpit deep. Then Paco was out shortly after. After getting the vehicle pack we were off, back home. Rolled into Seattle around 10 pm after dropping Fern off Timmay Hortons, getting rid of the last of the evidence in Sumas. Great trip you guys, I fun time. Until next time.
  18. I am sure if we gave Mug and Jugs or some other bar a call they could probably sponsor a place to do slides. They might be siked about a little extra revenue in beer sales.
  19. Hey that's not fair, Fern should be allowed to share her knowledge with us after all she is riding in our car.
  20. Dru are you saying that we should look for unclimbed lines in Fraser Canyon, and get on before you do?
  21. Huh??? True no faith here,but I wasn't going to call it until 4am in hope the road would open.
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