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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. ken4ord

    Lunch of the Day

    Breakie: egg sandwhich on english, double armeicano Lunch: Fried chicken and jo-jo's, desert m&m's Dinner: ???? Went shopping at lunch for this up coming weekend, scotch, B&B, couple bottles of vino, made me thirsty, but I resisted the temptation.
  2. That sux. I got a four weekend and cabin rented with friends and it looks like it gonna be raining all week long. I will have to subdue the with lots of and a more and then maybe I won't be so damn or
  3. Anyone know what the ice status/conditions is up in Baker? Especially the routes listed in the new guide
  4. Come on you you guys, this is what a crampon is: Main Entry: cram·pon Pronunciation: 'kram-"pän Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French crampon, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch crampe Date: 15th century 1 : a hooked clutch or dog for raising heavy objects -- usually used in plural
  5. I was coming back through on Friday and noticed it was still there. Cool, glad some other folks were able to get on it too.
  6. It was an awesome day out there, definitely needed to eat breakfast, but not sure on how much of a difference that would have made. My first rides of the year don't usually add up to more than 30 miles, 79 is quite a bit more than I usually do first part of the year. Dave thanks for letting me hang on your wheel a good portion of the ride. Here's some poser shots from the day. The first one me feeling alright at this point, but definitely slowing down. Thank Gawd we were already heading back. Dave riding off ahead. Here's to a good day , look forward to more.
  7. Ditto, start on groomers, work it out, then hit da freshies.
  8. Yo Crackbolter where was that picture taken and where are the photos of the ride down? Looked like a nice day to be out.
  9. My favorite was If Parents Acted Like Bush. It is funny as hell. Then Bush Knew and What I've Been Up To were my other faves in the other categories.
  10. Vote on your favorite Bush comercial
  11. Sorry man I won't buy into threats like that, you got to get more than some silly photo that I worked hard at posing for.
  12. I'll be in J-Tree in the beginning of May. I don't have a partner lined up yet.
  13. I'll be going to Magnolia since it is right around the corner from me.
  14. Hey All, I am going to join Vertical World this week will be looking for partners for climbing there. Any of you go there on a regular basis? CG33 are you still going there, wait are you even back from Mexico?
  15. Nice set up Dru. Knowing so much about the PNW I was surprised to see how young you look in that photo.
  16. Well because the severe weather yesterday I had the day off. Knowing that there was that possibility, I used my dome and had called Alpinfox the day before and told him of the possibility. So when I got word that there was no work in the morning we made a plan to get a true alpine start at 10:00am to seek out some ice up in Snoqualime Pass. We planned on hitting up the Black Ice dry tooling area so we wouldn't have to drive to far up the Pass and cause I had never been there. I first wanted to check out the Amazonia wall to see if it had been cold enough to freeze up that drip next to Iguanarama. Well on our way up to the Mount Washington parking lot we noticed the gate was open so we quickly snagged the locking pin so we wouldn't get locked in and drove up to the Iron Horse Trail. On the way to the IHT I noticed a new opening in the woods with ice so we decided to check that out first since it was right off the IHT. After a 50 yard hike East along the IHT and a 200 hundred yard bushwhack up hill to the ice we were at the base. The first pitch was a thin grade 3- pitch that was about 75 feet of ice. It was fun, the finish to it being the crux, where you had to climb up and over a blow-down that was lying across the flow. The tree climbing was interesting with wood sticks and turf plants. After that there was a 40 foot 3+ that was quite enjoyable with no brush climbing this time and the ice was thick enough to take a 17cm ice screw. Since this wasn't in the new guide book and it looks like the area had just opened up from the wind storms that we had, sort of curious if anyone has climbed it before. Anyone know? Well after we were done there we decided to head up to Amazonia wall. On our way to the trail head we passed the car and noticed that someone left a note on it. It was a card left by a line worker telling us to give him a call when were done so that he could lock the gate. That was nice of him to not lock us in and leave the note, we figured he probably didn't have a spare pin to do so anyway. We made it up to Amazonia and there was a considerable amount of ice there. The drip next to Iguanarama still had a way to go, but looked really cool. To the left there was a thin ramp and short column I decided to try. Made it up to the base of the thin cloumn then chickened out on pulling through the short over hang that the column came down through. Instead I cut around to the left up a easy ramp. I was bummed that I wimped out, but oh well next time. Hiked up and checked out the cave to see if there was ice on the wall not enough for screws though. It looked like it would be fun to climb them as mixed routes, but we were running short on day light (even with our alpine start) and they looked sort of hard since I don't have much experience in dry tooling. Well here is to an excellent day Mr. Alpinfox got photos?
  17. ken4ord


    IMO there is no such thing as a bad beer as long as there is no selection. Once you have a Gunniess, Nukie Brown, Rouge Dead Guy, or other quality beer next to some piss water then you have a bad beer. Even those Mic Ultra's are good in certain situations, like if you are diabetic.
  18. Hey eternalX did you use Voile's hard boot bindings? Because Voile doesn't make any other bindings. If you are talking about the mounting system what did you not like about it? I know what I don't like is that it attaches with a cotter pin that is easy to lose, they sort of fixed that problem by having a cable that attaches the pin to the binding so you don't lose it. The mounting hardware for the Burton definitely looks better, except that it looks like it could get ice encrusted pretty easily. I thought the Burton would have less flex than the Voile because of their mounting system, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
  19. Yo Dave I'll give you a call tomorrow. I am going to Crystal on Sunday, but on Friday or Saturday I might be into doing something. Got to nail down some ice climbing plans first though.
  20. I got a 166 and I weigh in at around 185. It works good for me though sometimes I wish I had the next size up. I wouldn't worry about the stiffness, I would be more concerned about the softness. Split boards in general are much softer than regular board and they have a ton more lateral flex. If I was you I would probably go for the 166 like you were thinking. One thing about split boards is they sort of blow for hard pack conditions. So when spring comes around I know I will be strapping my Palmer to my back. Because of the lateral flex they do ride a little differently than regular boards, but not that different. So those are the down sides. The up sides are they climb like you wouldn't believe, they are very menuverable in the woods, and they float really good. As for where to get one. Somebody on this site had one posted in the yardsale section and check E-bay. You might want to check in with Voile and see if they have any returns or refurbs.
  21. That was freakin' bizarre! Damn that was the funniest Flash cartoon I have seen. Crazy.
  22. Damn right....can't wait to get out again, going to be a rockin' weekend again. So far Crystal is in for Sunday, probably get out in to the back country again and some ice climbing.
  23. Hey Steve you should check out Colden Dike right now. Just saw some ariel photo of it and it look like there is ice in it. That is the way I always want to climb it. Defenitely an incredible looking line for NE standards. Check out NEice.com for photos.
  24. Hey anyone been on NE ridge/face of the tooth this year? Also what about Chair (is there too much snow right now) and Snoqualmie NY Gully?
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