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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Hey Matt, I would guess there was about 2-3 feet of consolidated snow that was set and not going anywhere. The day we were out there was an additional 12 inches + on top of that. That would be my guess for the lower slope.
  2. WTF!!!!!! I agree jja aaarrrrrgggghhhhh faq faq faq!!!!!
  3. I thought there was plenty of snow in the woods and out in the open. The first clearcut section could use more, but the conditions that they were in made for some great riding. I checked the conditions this morning, Stevens recieved 8 inches of wet somewhere inbetween 10 last night and 6 this morning. At 6 am the temps had finally dropped to freezing and they were predicting high winds and more snow. Last night at 8 I talked to a buddy up there and he said it was raining and around 40 to 45. With fresh snow falling today should have good coverage tomorrow, I imagine the avy danger will go up though because of wind loading.
  4. Hey RobBob, I agree with you I would rather participate in sports than sit on my ass. Though all sports are silly pasttimes including the ones I participate in. They are self-centered pursuits.
  5. You guys have smackin' each other asses too?
  6. the short version of the above should really read... "I was and still am a fucking loser that couldn't buy a friend, get laid, sustain an erection, or otherwise enjoy life due to my inane fucked up personality. Somebody please do my worthless ass." You guys are to easy, what fionaflap got your panties up in a wad, dissing your dumbass national past time drinking piss beer and watching guys go at with each other??? (For the women on this board, please take no offense to the above panty comment just having getting these guys all rialed up.)
  7. Thanks for the offer RobBob, but I can take care of myself.
  8. And got picked last in gym class and first in band class. Nope I was the punk ass, dope smoking, mofo that had no interest in hanging with repressed closeted homos that walked around in the locker room or on the field smackin' each others asses, nor was I interested in blowin' some flute and wearing a pocket protector. I was more interested rocking to death metal and punk rock tunes, skipping class, hitting the bong on the lift ride up, and tearing up the freshies in Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons, while the rest of you all was sitting on your asses in class learning how to be sheep so you can serve your capitalist society well. Beyotches!!!
  9. Yeah that shit rocks, I'm gonna make that my wallpaper as well.
  10. Given the circumstances, altitude, fatigue, bad stance, he did the only thing he probably had time to do before he went for a big ride like Joe did.
  11. May I will be down there. Anyone else?
  12. Hehe....good point. Then again, in decent conditions the ski down from colchuck to mountaineer creek can be very fun tree skiing. the trail out is generally worthless however. Yeah I think that it would be a great run down. Only disadvantage to snowshoes to AT, (well in my case a Split) is that they are heavier to carry while climbing, but I have managed on easier routes though.
  13. I agree with Rodchester. I never really recall having any tax benefits when I was married. Oh wait we got to file together, yeah, what a benefit that was, compiling reciepts, write-offs, and bills for two people. Yeah lots of fun.
  14. I love football, especially the Stupidbowl. I alway look forward to the Stupidbowl, cause it is usually on a weekend where it is fuckin' awesome out for ice climbing and boarding. Keeps all the people away from the mountains. Back in New England I usually ended up climbing my only day out of the year at Frankenstein, cause I wouldn't have to wait in line for a route. So here's to all of you staying inside this weekend to watch guys in armor tackle and prectically gang bang each other thanks for freeing up the outdoors even if it is for only one day.
  15. Cool, cool, cool. Can't wait to head up there. So Dru you going up?
  16. Of course ice climbing is a stupid sport. Just like any other sport, it serves no real purpose except for entertaining us. It not going to stop me though from going out swing tools, get pump, maybe smacking my knuckles, scarying myself and freezing my ass off.
  17. Yeah LBN bastards are stupid. Like who really give an F&F.
  18. That one is the Chia Direct.
  19. 330m of a classic eastern climb. What is it? See the attached.
  20. Yeah Fischer I think he was 16 or 18 pretty young and most people didn't believe him at first, until it was repeated. Yeah it does Dru, you cheater!
  21. I listen to everything, except opera, most top40, and country. Lately been listening to alot of hardcore and electronica. Fugazi Hatebreed Slipknot Kittie (them girls rock) Paul Oakenfold Amon Tobin Dave Ralph (trance series) Roots Outkast and the list goes on..........
  22. Right you are HB. One of my favorites so far.
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