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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. and REI has the Primus multi on sale for $75 http://www.rei.com/online/store/ProductD...at=OUTLET_HP_LD
  2. there appeared to be some verglas on SCW yesterday, but i only saw it from the road.
  3. the windslabs up there were anywhere from 1" to 6" or more deep over unconsolidated pow. pretty scary at times. we didn't dig any pits though.
  4. was up there yesterday. after a little digging into the berm, the road was driveable for about .5 miles in a Subaru, with a truck and chains i bet you could get a bit more. there is a broken trail, we hiked in without snowshoes as there were 5 people ahead of us. skiing is not the way to go in there at the moment. I'll post pics when i get some time, but let's say that all of us went home empty handed. kurt
  5. typically the road is snowed in until early June. they don't plow the last 15 miles or so. travel should be easy no matter what the snowpack is like, take skis if you're inclined or at the very least a lightweight sled for the descent. things go much faster. Kurt
  6. I talked to both Nick and Jeff today on the phone while making an order. top notch. thanks guys!
  7. I'm in the same boat. the only one's I've tried thus far are the BD Contact Strap, unsuitable for steep ice, (which maxes out at size 45/46 for Nuptses) and the Grivel 2f which barely fits. I'm hoping to try the Charlet sarkens when i find a store that has them.
  8. it's a little old, but here's the upper portion on 12.19
  9. the other place is Laclede, which is about 2 miles west of the town Laclede (12 miles from sandpoint), right off Hwy 2. there is a highway roadcut that crosses part of the cliffband, it's pretty obvious. routes up to 90'. check out the old Randall Green "idaho rock" guide if you can find a copy. mainly 5.8-10's with a couple harder routes.
  10. I read that the new XGK w/a flexible fuel line was delayed at least one year...like late 2006.
  11. supposedly the wardens will write you up for heading into Marble. From Parks Canada "Marble Canyon interpretive trail and the Floe Lake trail (to the Floe Lake Headwall) remain closed." http://www.pc.gc.ca/apps/tcond/cond_e.asp?oPark=100253
  12. that's the Tokkum Pole, isn't it? Too bad it's still closed from the fires last year.
  13. I've got one, it's pretty nice. it's cut a little small around the upper arm/shoulder area, so layers tend to bunch up a little bit. it sheds snow pretty well, but i haven't used it in the rain...yet.
  14. sat: drove to the Wallowas, hiked up to the bench below the NF of Chief Joe, camped. played in the snow, went to bed. Sunday: played about in the meager snowpack some more and hiked out. got back just in time for the superbowl parties.
  15. kurthicks

    Ice Axes

    i've got an REI mountain axe, which is the same as the Shuksan, for sale in the Yard Sale .
  16. there is some climbing on the shore of Pend Orielle. check Inland NW climbing by Marty Bland. I might have some more for you tomorrow, but the superbowl has taken a toll on me. Kurt
  17. I just talked to a trango rep who says they'll be on the market in May. hopefully it won't be like a cinch, where it took a year to get them out in massive quantities though.
  18. is the road open? either way, I *could* be interested.
  19. that's why I got one. They're marketing them for the wrong reason though. pretty spendy though.
  20. the grivels are newmatic, boots need to have welts on front and back.
  21. Pics: more in the For Sale gallery The SMC pons are temporarily on hold.
  22. the axe is 65cm. it's also produced under the name SMC Shuksan, for reference.
  23. too much stuff in the closet... and trying to fund an upcoming trip... Marmot Never summer 0 degree bag, used maybe 10 nights $125 REI mountain Axe, good shape $20 SMC strap crampons, good shape $25 Grivel 2F crampons w/rubber antibots $40 lifelink lexan shovel, used once $25 rescue 8, new $10 2x BD 22cm ice screws (no knob), used a couple times for anchors, no rust (I think) $25 each Bass guitar Amp, SWR workingman's 10, $250 Most prices are negotiable. PM me for pics or more info. Kurt
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