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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. I climbed on the prototype Linkcams one weekend at Smiff. They are pretty cool, but the triggers may be hard to get to with those with small hands. I didn't fall on it, but they do fit into shallow cracks pretty well. pretty smooth just pushing a cam basically wherever you want to in a crack.
  2. get some in oregon or Montana during your next trip. $13-15/bottle.
  3. see you in a few weeks sprayers! ~Kurt
  4. a regular Dan fido! Those are fun routes. The pinnacle on Thielson may still be holding snow, so be prepared for that.
  5. Glad you enjoyed Spring. Chunky Monkey is a very awkward climb for the grade. The moves off the ground are pretty wierd for a sport route (what sporto does offwidth?). The Whitman kids can be somewhat overwhelming, just head further right and usually you'll be all alone again. Good to see them out climbing though. I can't wait to get down there again.
  6. thanks craig. Maybe we'll go to snoqualmie pass...
  7. anyone go to ingalls recently? will I need to carry slowshoes or can we get by without? ~Kurt
  8. we'll already be there then. sorry.
  9. Concord Tower, North Face is a fun 5.6, right next to the Beckey Route. The 3rd pitch ramp pitch is sweet. Concord Tower, Cave Route. 5.6
  10. We saw you guys climbing the couloir saturday. Good on ya for doing something with the weather being so crappy. we just went to the moraine, camped in the rain, and went home.
  11. time for the annual trip! have fun, I'll be in AK. Hit that line in the sawtooths if the weather sucks in the Tetons, otherwise it's mine next year.
  12. it was pretty miserable up there this weekend. Saturday was in the 60's and sunny, then saturday night had a low of 48 and it was raining hard. I doubt it's going to come back in.
  13. Sharp... he means NOLSe. If i get motivated to walk that far after Ice Cliff, i'll take a pic and post it next week. no promises.
  14. some guys drove up there 2 weeks ago to climb the Cascadian. It's mentioned in one of the Stuart posts. edit: oh,
  15. anyone have an idea how much snow Stewey got during the last storm? I've got some video of the NW face from 2 weeks ago, but no way to send it along.
  16. I've got a Highgear Summit watch that i'd like to pass along. Brand new in box. Has alti, baro, compass, chrono, etc built in. Check it out here: http://www.backcountryoutlet.com/outlet/HIG0008/Highgear-Summit-Watch.html Cost: $75 shipped. PM or post Kurt
  17. Bo Derek. Most routes at Spring Mountain in OR. generally anything on good rock with good pro. preferably not on a slab or above a ledge or above lower angle terrain.
  18. I have a BCA Tour shovel system , with a probe. great setup and you can leave the probe at home if you want. Plus, with a metal blade you can put your stove on it.
  19. yep, I took your picture. Did they turn out okay?
  20. There is a pullout on the left just before the "parking pass required" sign. It's just after the basalt stops on the left as you're driving in. probably room for 2-3 cars. free and only a 5 minute walk to the regular parking area.
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