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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. that's unethical for a few reasons. shame on you.
  2. Climb: Bluewood-Very Weeping Wall Date of Climb: 2/26/2006 Trip Report: After a go at the Weeping Wall a few days before, I returned on Sunday with NYC007, pup_on_the_mountain, and a few non cc.comers. Much hilarity ensued. It's probably gone now with the rain and warm temperatures, but it was good, albeit wet, then. We made sure to wear our gaiters; Justin rocked us all with his army green gaiters straight out of 1979 (on the right). We all fell into the creek on the way in, so I found another way across it...Brokeback mountain style! With inspiration from Justin’s gaiters, I hopped on a WI4 flow with 65cm mountaineering axes. The reach on those tools is awesome! I don’t know why more people don’t use them; you can choke up a full half-meter after swinging them. Who needs modern tools? The creek poses a serious hazard for getting on the steep routes, as we found out over and over. Here’s Justin trying to stay upright and dry. Seconds later he peeled, penduluming about 6" above the water. Once we got on the steeps, they were good. Apparently the creek houses a substantial population of ice tools. Justin decided to do a little ice (tool) fishing, in hopes of snagging a particularly good looking specimen. Who knew that Grivel Race Wings were native to the creek? To end the day, and season, I decided to have a go at the hardest pillar that was touching down (right into the flowing creek). It was steep, cauliflowered, chandeliered, and very wet. We decided that it was WI5. The pro was less than ideal. A good portion of it (like 10') got knocked down once the TR was up. NYC007 following the lead A great way to end the season! Thanks guys & girls! Gear Notes: Umbrella Ice (tool) fishing rod Approach Notes: Someone needs to build a bridge across the creek.
  3. did you go up there this weekend Craig?
  4. where no fixed anchors are legal.
  5. This is the problem with Infinite Bliss. The bolts were not the concern for the USFS
  6. Yes. Still In. "Saturday we went to the Icicle and climbed Hubba Hubba which was actually in pretty good shape. From there we traversed over to Mountaineer Creek road to check out Mr Seattle and the routes in that vicinity. They looked really poor and scrappy, so we went home." http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/550473/an/0/page/0#550473
  7. Climb: Bluewood-Weeping Wall Date of Climb: 2/24/2006 Trip Report: Sam and I ventured out under an incredibly bluebird sky to Bluewood today. For those who aren't familiar with Bluewood, it's about 16.4 miles east of Dayton, WA on the North Fork of the Touchet River. The "Weeping Wall" lived up to it's name, but there were a number of dry lines on relatively good ice. After I set the TR we took numberous laps on routes from WI3+ to WI5+, from plastic to chandeliers to chossy drytoolery, the Wall had it all in just 45-50'. I bet that it will be up for a few more days, though it was getting warm as we left. Bluewood's Weeping Wall Leading up Sam on da steeps Sam & the Weeping Wall We made sure to get back in time to see all the sorority girlz on campus wearing skirts. Crazy! Gear Notes: sharp pointy stuff make sure your partner remembers his boots. Approach Notes: Falling into the creek on the way in is a good way to soak your boots.
  8. Teaching rock climbing at Post Falls. Sunday depends on the Avy forecast at Snoqualmie... or back to Bluewood! TR coming.
  9. hey don't die. from NWAC: SNOWPACK SYNOPSIS- The avalanche danger is HIGH and an avalanche warning has been issued for the Cascades from White Pass northward. New snow of 18-28” has fallen in the last 18 hours from Snoqualmie Pass northward, and is being driven by west winds gusting between 30 and 50 mph. This has caused widespread slab formation along the Cascade crest, and on both the west and east sides of the crest. Slab formation is definitely greater at and north of Snoqualmie Pass where new snow amounts are the greatest.
  10. I was thinking about that face last night and wondered if anyone had been up there since Alex & Jason wrote the guide. Nice!
  11. ok spraymasters. Supposedly it's a Bebie route, WI4 mixed, a few hundred meters right (west) of the regular NF route (which I have done, Geek) I'll post a TR after I go in there once the weather and avy danger calm back down.
  12. 100 views and not so much as a photo or spray? I'm sure someone has ventured past the NF route to spy this thing.
  13. A few of us will be there tomorrow (Friday) morning. from about 8 - noon. come get on some ice if you want, we'll have a few ropes up.
  14. Anyone have any beta that they want to share from personal experience about Chair's North Grove? Pictures?
  15. I know a guy that took a 300 footer (basically a factor 2 scenario) down the couloir. he came to a stop as his partner slammed into the only picket between them. They both walked away unscathed.
  16. mmmm. I love the Wallowas. I'm booked until after spring break, but I'd love a weekend tour after that.
  17. [quoteI was in the same area last weekend so was I. where was everyone? the Canmore was hoppin'.
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