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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Just look at this crap - cleaned by bidet or not - little wonder I don't post here anymore.
  2. Canadian Speed Skating Women! Represent! Cindy Klaussen
  3. EWolfe


    Bumper stickers: Drugs Beat Me Up and Stole My Lunch Money! I tried to Say No To Drugs but They Wouldn't Let Me!
  4. EWolfe


    better late with the , than...oh, never mind.
  5. That doesn't make me feel any better.
  6. EWolfe


    Why do you think we want to see your .jpeg jackoff clips? Keep it in the home office chair!
  7. EWolfe

    Powered Lycra!!

    Can I get one with the built-in belly retainer so I still look slim?
  8. EWolfe

    30,000 posts

    Chuck Norris must never get any, by that logic. Makes perfect sense!
  9. EWolfe


    Justice? From who? Some oversized oaf who who wears his hair like a girl and pouts like a little boy? HA! Keanu Reeves has more expression than you! Bring it!
  10. PUT YOUR COCK BACK IN YOUR.....oh, nevermind.
  11. I used to like the best, but I have gotten jaded.
  12. I chose the wrong profession. Shut it, will you!
  13. I assume you are referring to the S. Face; that is one that I would say is definitely NOT overhyped. It is simply fantastic. I'm not kidding. There are climbs that I think DO fall into the overhyped category: Outer Space, Liberty Crack, the South Face of Cutthroat, and Observation Rock for example. The Tooth, however, is about as exciting as it gets for the grade and the rock is great. It is easy to get to, easy to set up, and you climb at a continuous grade right to a cool summit with no screwing around. The descent is straight-forward. Lastly, you can see it from I-90 so everytime you drive to Ellensbury you can look up and remember how cool it was! I got a bite! It is good, that's why I put the on the end. Spread the word.
  14. Way to get after it. I am living vicariously!
  15. The eyes have it, then. Where are the necklaces? I guess if there is no flash...
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