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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Then you can do bridgewalk when you're all pinted up!
  2. Agree to disagree. End of story, AYS.
  3. Power of positive thinking and proper nourishment is a powerful force. It healed Mitchell May, who is considered a miracle of modern science. Superfood is his end product, check it out. (I am not a seller of this product)
  4. EWolfe

    Good night

    Grandma used to say that as a shocked response to her delicate sensibilities: "Good Night!!"
  5. Isn't that Oly third from the far right?
  6. you just delete them/add to your collection...
  7. Isn't there a picture of gollum speed-climbing Bear's Reach?
  8. reread your first post. title: getting fired for stupid shit comments: thanks, E Make the difficult connection yet? I'm cool with it if you didn't mean that, but to the passing 10,000 observers, it might seem otherwise.
  9. Well, there's usually goat, deer and biped. If you look close you can find droppings too. Wouldn't climbing be more fun?
  10. Great stuff! I hope you don't mind I used the deer one for my desktop. Matt Groenig says "copyright infringment is the sincerest form of flattery!"
  11. I had nothing to do with what you are accusing me of. Taking to PM. Edit: you took this false accusation to a public forum, Eric. You were on ANOTHER JOB! How again am I responsible? Please respond to the PM.
  12. hey, now. that's big up fo' G!
  13. Nice. Nothing like a tight-pants, effeminent poof with flaring nasal cavities to inspire a new way of thinking. And the grind to get you there, in case you missed Aldo Nova.
  14. Funny....on Mox, we saw some scented, monster-packed sherpas doin' the thru hike...
  15. EWolfe

    Spray Misters

    I gotta get a couple of 'em to keep mold spores down on a demo job. The irony was not lost...
  16. All I get is a picture of you, Mike. That sucks, you google yerself, and there's Mike.
  17. How do you reconcile it with your need for adventure, exploration? How has it changed over the years? How is it new? Do you resent it? I do. Discuss.
  18. EWolfe

    The Magic Curb

    There was a Corolla there for a week! , so there must be some kind of a portal on the median side, because only things off the road disappear. I even set out a recliner one day, and Poof! Gone in 12 hours! Amazing!
  19. EWolfe

    The Magic Curb

    I have a disappearing place near my house, a magic curb. Anything I put there is gone within 24 hours! Amazing! I don't have to drive to those pesky donation site, with their "is your junk good enough?" looks. Nope! I got a Magic Curb!
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