Power of positive thinking and proper nourishment is a powerful force.
It healed Mitchell May, who is considered a miracle of modern science.
Superfood is his end product, check it out.
(I am not a seller of this product)
reread your first post.
title: getting fired for stupid shit
comments: thanks, E
Make the difficult connection yet?
I'm cool with it if you didn't mean that, but to the passing 10,000 observers, it might seem otherwise.
I had nothing to do with what you are accusing me of.
Taking to PM.
Edit: you took this false accusation to a public forum, Eric. You were on ANOTHER JOB! How again am I responsible? Please respond to the PM.
Nothing like a tight-pants, effeminent poof with flaring nasal cavities to inspire a new way of thinking. And the grind to get you there, in case you missed Aldo Nova.
There was a Corolla there for a week! , so there must be some kind of a portal on the median side, because only things off the road disappear.
I even set out a recliner one day, and Poof! Gone in 12 hours!
I have a disappearing place near my house, a magic curb.
Anything I put there is gone within 24 hours! Amazing!
I don't have to drive to those pesky donation site, with their "is your junk good enough?" looks. Nope! I got a Magic Curb!