Yay, Brian! You go with your delicate sensibilitied self!
A perfect response in a world where people get pissed about gas prices, but are o.k. with sending their kids to die for an oil war.
Last night we had a secret cc.com board of directors meeting. It has been decided we are going to split the website up into two seperate distict websites. YOU MUST choose which website you want to use, you can only use ONE. Starting Monday there will be cascadeclimbers.com and a new lattedrinkingsensitivenewageyogacascadeclimbers.com.
Fuckin' classic, Jon.
Can the S.N.A.G.S still lurk?
I would welcome and pay for a decent gym in Bellingham.
BTW, I helped design gyms in Juneau and Bend, as well as working for EP building them. Let me know if you need ideas, input, whatever, gratis