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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. It sounds like stabilization is a real issue, removing debris might cause additional rockfall on the removal crew. Poor Mariposans !! I have a reclusive artist friend that has a minimalist shack on 5 acres near Mariposa, I stay there sometimes on trips. He is always complaining about tourist traffic, so I know at least 1 person who is happy about this....
  2. Try TelemarkTips for excitement more to your liking!
  3. Cool. Quite the wild ride on the overhanging headwall, I bet!
  4. EWolfe

    Evening, MF's

    Yes it is true. Only you would have a problem with that.
  5. EWolfe

    Evening, MF's

    Your lips are all CHAPped from sucking up to the corporate CC,
  6. It pisses me off REI can'thave a representative in the animal world like marmot, or even generally like feathered friends. Get with the program, corporate fux!
  7. Man. If the weather was better, it woulda been a good time to have a few on Memorial Ledge. Here's to 'em.
  8. EWolfe

    Evening, MF's

    Let's start all over again, now.
  9. EWolfe

    Good qoutes

    Like I said, so played out.
  10. EWolfe


    Oh. I thought you were talking about Muffy's Chest. Isn't 'mangina' what an it has before the female sex change is complete?
  11. EWolfe


    Happy birthday girl! Have some fun with yourself! Older, budneverweiser
  12. John. you've been outdone!!!
  13. Rumr, I wish I didn't have to wade through your 8a.nu fixation to find out what was sent.
  14. See what I mean? Goatse links Rate My Poo and that travesty. This is so gross ( for shock factor, not in humor) I wish for the previous juvenile banter. Where has the creative, know-your-friends dissing spray gone? Oh, yeah. They all got banned for offending delicate sensibilities. Familiarity truly does breed contempt (and bannination). Suck.
  15. EWolfe


    The MuffChest is actually pretty nice, if'n you don't mind the large areolas.
  16. T - A = 0 By the additive property of equality it follows that: T = 0 + A Simplifying: T = A By the inverse property of equality it follows that: -T = -A Running that through our Ghetto translator, we get: "If a bitch ain't be havin' no titties, she SHO' NUFF ain't got no ass!" I see my "moderator notification" didn't seem to take, so I will state: This is a Newbies forum, and I believe that is inappropriate. Yet another angle in the slippery slope of the CC.Com downslide.
  17. You people are crazee! Why would anyone trust with their LIFE!
  18. Send in the Feathered Friends!!!! :albatross graemlin:
  19. EWolfe


    Dru, WTF does your autosig mean?
  20. Nice one Carl. You're really at the top of your game!
  21. Speaking of RuMR...
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