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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Index used to be replete with crack-growing vegetation. Just look at it now... MOSS-KILLERS!!
  2. Dood, no LSD acts that fast, although I will allow that it may have SEEMED like 5 minutes
  3. 4-way pyramid, actually. I used to be proud of it.
  4. I actually agree that advancement would have happened, at a slower pace. But that philosophy disallows change, and resists new ways of thinking. The traditional has always been resistant to change, in more ways than just climbing. It is the growing pains of acceptance that you both resist that is the most disturbing to me.
  5. Yeah, part two is coming, but I got another week or so to go. Carolyn, yes you can rent it, but I come with it. It's extra for that.
  6. Is that what you're calling it? An "independent" film? 8D
  7. I have read posts elsewhere that Catalytic Heaters don't actually "burn", they induce a heat-producing catalytic reaction, and thus, don't produce Carbon Monoxide. They do, however, consume Oxygen, so adequate ventilation is necessary. I NEVER leave them on when I go to sleep, regardless of ventilation. I like it cold when I sleep, I even keep the heat off in my apartment bedroom. Thanks Trad, I will get one of those. The Olympian I have doesn't have a ODS, it's the smallest model. Thanks for the tips and advice, all! :tup: Erik
  8. Big F'in Camera
  9. Yes, but is a catalytic propane one: no off-gasses, but moisture may be an issue. I have 110, so maybe I will get a small electric heater as a back-up. I gotta crunch the #'s on one to see what the amp draw is.
  10. Thanks for the heads up on moisture. I am going to caulk all of the seams with big stretch to help alleviate that.
  11. Jesus is a hockey player?
  12. Waking up in the sun with the buttermilks peeking over the hill and the Sierras as a backdrop is one of my favorite! Also, Miguel's Pizza at the Red is an awesome place.
  13. WTF are you guys talking about?
  14. She pulled the pic. Too bad, it was one of the best summit shots EVER.
  15. The worst one was my first. I was 8.
  16. This is not related to you, High On Rock, but it reminds me of a direction sprot-climbing can take one without due diligence: Sport-climbing is such a quick-fix. One is not required to take the time to assemble appropriate protection, scope stances to place said gear, etc. You see the phenomenon at Smith constantly: someone runs up to a route, throws down a rope and jumps on route with hardly a glance upward. This quick-fix mentality damages the climbing ethos, as well as (through lack of learned observation/process skills) the climbing areas and surrounding environment. We've all seen the trashed sport-climbing crag in our lives ( at least the older among us ). Again, this is no reflection on High_On_Rock, except it's only 4 pages, not 8 (yet) sickie
  17. Is that an ether/or question? OK, I am going to bed now.
  18. You guys are just baggin' on a Offsome compliment...
  19. By those standards, style seems the domain of the accepting? [font:Comic Sans MS]Someone here ain't got no style! [/font]
  20. Pope said: Your myopic vision yet again ignores that this is not possible for face or arete climbs without natural protection. But I am finding the discussion healthy.
  21. Excellent post, GTG. If anything, as a traditional climber, wouldn't bolted routes (as at Smith) keep the trad lines less crowded? Where is the celebration of that boon?
  22. Sure thing Bud! I just figured out tonight there IS room for a guest on the floor, even your lanky ass! Plus, contrary to Chaoda Boy's belief, I built in an extra 6 inches on the side of the twin (stuffed with clothing) to make a double. 8D
  23. OK, SC. Point taken. I was only trying to say that knee-jerk malignment of a "new" way decreases the effectiveness of ANY given point. Thanks for a good observation. Erik
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