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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. You must be a musician no, banjo player. LOL
  2. Pending payment these are gone: City of Rocks North Cascades Tuolomne Red Rocks
  3. Cleaning Out the Library, just want to get rid of 'em: Gunks Select, Dick Williams, 1996, great shape. $8 Hueco Tanks, 2nd Edition, 1995, John Sherman, OK shape $5 City of Rocks Dave Bingham, 1st editiion 1991, Good shape $3 SOLD Best of Boulder Climbs, R Rossiter, 1992, Good shape $5 Bouldering in the Shawangunks, Ivan Greene, 1997, almost new $5 Climbs of Tuolomne Meadows, Reid/Falkenstein, 1992, almost new $5 SOLD Red Rocks Select, Todd Swain, 1993, Great shape, $5 SOLD North Cascades Rock, Bryan Burdo, 1997, Great shape, $5 SOLD New River Gorge, Steve Cater, 1999, OK shape, $3 Red River Gorge Climbs, JH Bronaugh, 1998, almost new, $12 All books shipped book rate. Erik
  4. Nice to see Dave doing the Pope-Like blessing for the event.
  5. Yep, I am going down for my 4th year in a row, and 6 out of 8, but this year I am going in February. I think Alpinfox is going to be there over the xmas/NewYear break again. Have fun! :brew:E
  6. Once you get that magnesium going, it takes care of itself.
  7. EWolfe

    Soft Robbery

    What sucks is taxpayers pay over $50,000 a year to "reform" this guy. You are right, though.Not the best atmosphere for recovery. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.
  8. EWolfe

    Soft Robbery

    I was getting getting some fuel last night at a local mart, and I saw a cop get into her car and drive away, so when I paid, naturally I asked the woman what happened. Some guy came in and got a 6-pack of beer and a pack of smokes. He tried his debit card, didn't work, then a credit card to no avail. He told the woman he had to call his bank and would be back in a minute. When he came back in, he handed her a piece of paper, both cards and his license and said: " Here's my drivers license and my cards. I am taking this beer and these cigarettes. That (pointing to the piece of paper) is where I will be. Please call the police in 5 minutes, and give them all of that. It is the only way I can get clean." As he left, she wished him a merry christmas, waited 5 minutes and made the call. I was talking to a Public Defender at the pub this evening, and he immediately asked me if the guy was fat. I said I didn't know, why? A few years ago, some guy robbed a bank with the finger-in-the-jacket-pocket trick, walked two blocks, put the money in a planter, walked another block, and waited. Same deal - needed to get clean, last option. He thought it was the same guy, as he had only been out 4 months
  9. That's what Bridwell wanted to do on the East side of El Cap. Woulda been a popular route too, by all reports
  10. Did she end up staying at your place in Paris waiting for the next flight? ...wait for it..... flatulent!
  11. Don't knock shit down on me, H!
  12. Dood, no LSD acts that fast, although I will allow that it may have SEEMED like 5 minutes i do not embellish. i think you missed the part that i just got done climbing an obscure route on el cap , leading all but three pitches. i don't know if you have ever bagged a big wall but it is quite physical. my body was depleted and the acid kicked in hard and quick. it was only a quarter hit and it felt like i took ten. when i say five minutes i mean five minutes bitch. i am a veteran tripper . i have probably tripped about 300 times in my life so go call bullshit on DRU. That sounds about ballpark for me, as well. Maybe it just effected me differently. Peace, Man:
  13. Glad to hear business is good! I'll swing by and check it out on my way south! "can I use your bathroom?"
  14. Thanks for posting that. Great story, Bryan.
  15. Eric, there is NO GOING BACK!! Get used to it. It is the NexGen
  16. BTW? It's the shitty acid that is spiked that comes on fast.
  17. :sleep: You bore me to no end.
  18. Plus, getting it out...can you say chipped? Sure, I knew you could.
  19. EWolfe


    Clear your PM box, Dood. You're over limit I was trying to PM you that a night in PDX on the way South would be cool. E
  20. W00t! You guys better not trash my mobile or I'll be pissed.
  21. Brian, you gotta have something in that chemistry kit of yours... Just reading the first post gets me a little jiggy.
  22. That is why the best solution is to go out and do crazy trad FA's: shit no-one will likely repeat. It gives you the sense of climbing accomplishment without worrying too much about eventual impact. :brew:E
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