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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Speaking of Patches: I donated a year and a half of my life to Patch Adams to help him build his free hospital in West Virginia. Website
  2. I can see it now: Dave (talking to himself as he peruses The Dave Schuldt Forum ): "Hey! Look what I wrote yesterday! That sure was clever! I have the perfect response!" Ad nauseum....
  3. Also, a dab of Liquid Nails on the back of each T-nut before setting it insures you won't have any spinners. Density on 4x8 sheets: vertical walls: 40-50 t-nuts per panel 10-35 degrees: 50-70 t-nuts per panel 36-45 degrees: 70-80 t-nuts per panel bouldering cave: 80-95 t-nuts per panel
  4. I had thanksgiving dinner with John Bachar. He wasn't climbing anymore, and was really into his 4 year-old son. I met Ralph Nader and Eddie Vetter at the Nader Rally at the Seattle Center. A good friend was the regional coordinator for the Nader campaign, and I was helping.
  5. EWolfe

    Last Time

    Spoken like a true inbred.
  6. I'm hoping our resident brewmaster Terminal Gravity is going to recommend some that haven't been mentioned. Maybe his own
  7. The sand and epoxy works great for wooden holds, too. Don't make mixture too thick, as it gets hard to apply. Do all your prep in advance, marking where you want the texture. Have some extra sand handy, and pat it onto the holds while the epoxy is still wet, then wire brush off excess later. Use goves, as it is toxic. Also, for wall application, use less sand than for holds in the mix, as it tends to clump more on a roller.
  8. EWolfe

    Fuck Me Running

    Another one of those
  9. I really enjoy my work now. It's funny, I took a year and a half off when I got married (wife retired at 35), and I got bored after a while. It would be cool if you could take 6 months off every year, and just kind of choose those days whenever, rather than having to schedule. That would be way cool. Anyone know any jobs like that, besides being independently wealthy?
  10. Welcome Fiona! (see, we can be nice! ) She's hooked like the rest of us... Hey, there's this weird thing about trask. If you send a PM to someone with his name mentioned? It seems he gets notified. I have had it happen three times, and recieved a from him (so I don't know if he gets the actual message [it would be disturbing if he did]). Any other theories on this
  11. Hi, Jonathan! Excellent sarcasm, you'd fit right in!
  12. You see, Jimmy. Some people are just bad because they never listen to anyone else. They are not viscious or violent people. They just lash out at anyone who doesn't share their perspective. Kind of like a bully, Jimmy. Does that help you understand? Now run along to school, don't forget your lunch!
  13. EWolfe


    Looks like a fine day for it, too!
  14. You're killin' me, Dru!
  15. Dru's not banned. Maybe he forgot his password? Or, maybe he's lurking to see if he gets more upset with us than usual.
  16. Is there a male equivalent to a "faghag"? If, so, E-Rock is it.
  17. I think the Smoked Porter is the shiznit!
  18. Uh, Cavey? You were supposed to use your other avatar for that post!
  19. I think Metalhead Mojo's post yesterday was over the line and he got what he deserved. That kind of shit has no place here. I agree. That was over the line in 2 ways: violence towards women the c-word.
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