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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    I say we ban...

    Our brain trust weighs in
  2. EWolfe


    Yo, Dog! I'm a klimer. I klim.
  3. EWolfe

    I say we ban...

    Maybe it's like that irritating feeling you get when someone is reading over your shoulder? Maybe it is that weird feeling that you get that some one is watching you, but you don't know who?
  4. Dru, where's "Hello Cthulhu" to get us in the spirit?
  5. Just watched "Rabbit-proof Fence" Two children walk 1500 miles through the outback of Australia in 9 weeks to escape adoption and get home. They are recaptured, and do the walk AGAIN!!
  6. Looks like I got busted.
  7. EWolfe

    Shake the globe...

    It's fun keeping the snowboarder from getting a run in.
  8. EWolfe

    Got Parasite?

    I didn't need to know about the aquatic leech poking it's head out the guys nose...
  9. Nice gif, but planks are for wanks!
  10. EWolfe

    Screw Christmas

    I hate the hollidays Gotta love this Holliday:
  11. No, thanks, I already have a rope, and I have nowhere to put a glacier.
  12. EWolfe

    Make me happy.

    "Your wish is my command, Master: Be Happy!"
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