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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    :fahq:'in goats

    Additional note: Distel is extra jealous cuzza the full pimpin' neckbeards.
  2. Yeah, bu the real qustion is: Who won the post-game stadium brawl?
  3. One word: M A I N T E N A N C E !
  4. Clip 'em? Or eat 'em? Tough decisions...
  5. Why do people bolt protectable cracks? I have never understood this.
  6. If you are not quite ready for the full blue-blocker look, here's a toned-down version:
  7. O.K. It is wArtley's, I just checked.
  8. Taking the skillz tada hillz, part 2: adverse conditions
  9. "Once you have assumed the squat stance, like this, you can let 'er rip." "Then you smear it around on the rock and let it dry, got it?"
  10. I think you can add a grade (I voted .10d), but not 3!
  11. Found a '83 F250 XLT with a 6.9L diesel, baby blue two-tone, 3/4-ton creampuff for $1300!!
  12. I am sure there are forestry experts available on each and every site to determine exactly what the proper thinning technique is.
  13. Didja catch the festival this spring?
  14. .11b, or not .11b that is the question. Whether it is nobler to send .10c crack and call it good, or to take arms against by adding pump grade, and by opposing call it .11b
  15. Here Ya go, I finally got around to copying the cover:
  16. EWolfe

    Hey Lance Granite!

    Between the temps and the gas prices up there, everyone is furry and walking.
  17. EWolfe


    Slated for August - after mosquito season There's a lot to do in that area activity-wise, for sure. I am going to be clearing at least 4-6 pullouts in the driveway loop for visitors.
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