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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. I am voting for Ralph Gnauder, anyway
  2. Here's an approximation of the Route Variation and continuation:
  3. The inflammatory nature of your posts make them trolls.
  4. Just below Der DieHedral, the BelayerSlayer is the knife in the crack above Mike to the left:
  5. The first pitch we dubbed "The Oh! Face" (insert red swingline graemlin), and no pictures until Mike gets his film developed, but it was awesome!! Here's Mike leading the second pitch:
  6. EWolfe

    Liquorice Altoids

    I just picked up a tin! Wow! That's some gooooood stuff!
  7. Mike Layton and I put up a six-pitch variation to the 12-pitch NE Arete of Dragontail Yesterday. Diehedral 5.10bR
  8. EWolfe


    Angry conservatives are so attractive.
  9. EWolfe

    fahrenheit 9/11

    Fish On! You just got trolled!
  10. I couldn't figure out how to edit the poll questions, and Klenke brought up a good point about lurking, how much posting, etc. The first question pertains more to how many climbers even GO to this board, AT ALL. Not the breakdown of lurking, posting, etc. Also, Northwest Climbers, not ALL climbers. Thanks, Klenke.
  11. EWolfe

    fahrenheit 9/11

    He's got his disclaimer right there: really weird person This is spray, after all...
  12. Discussion has been floating around as to how much of the local Northwest climbing community is represented by CascadeClimbers.com, and how much impact the contents of this board have upon how the climbing community is perceived. Let's Poll!
  13. The hammer test always has been my guideline at Smith, having put up a few routes there. Tap it with a hammer, if it is solid, leave it. If it is hollow, flip the hammer and apply reasonable amounts of pry-pressure to the hold with the claw. If it still doesn't come off, leave it. If it is a critical hold, consider reinforcing it with epoxy (I have never done this)
  14. EWolfe

    fahrenheit 9/11

    Hey! Speaking of muckrakers
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