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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Dave Hiser is a photographer for National Geographic, and has been a family friend for 40 years.
  2. The story also includes some of the more entertaining writing about Cascade brush that I've found: That's my father! Mike Borghoff!
  3. Got a beater truck you don't use anymore? Seen one in your neighborhood ? Let me know! Cash sale.
  4. I saw that one a mile away! Cavey!
  5. Here's a midlife crisis car! w00t!
  6. Boulder Boy goin' off, though!
  7. Probably had too many Explorers taking out these:
  8. Jesus, Mike. You need some recovery time in the far northwest after that. I prescribe slogfests, clean alpine granite and plenty of hoppy beverages for your fastest road to psychological recovery.
  10. EWolfe


    Ouch! I hurt my click-finger cuzza you!
  11. Not anymore! He's sportin the beat-up version of this these days, and after the hair-caught-in-belay-device-during-free-rappel-with-50#-pack-on-back event, I think he got a haircut.
  12. unconventional named genevieve
  13. Dru's Favorite Band, Poi Dog Pondering: "You should wear with pride the marks on your skin they're a map of the adventures and the places you've been"
  14. "copyright infringement is the sincerest form of flattery"
  15. My folks understood that kids are resilient, and I am thankful for the freedom that allowed. Once in Yosemite in the late 60's when we would go as a family to climb and work (my folks) and me to play, this story happened. I was playing on the rocks, running up, tumbling down (about 4 years old), and generally out of control. A woman was sitting next to my mom, just watching me with fear and amazement as I did various activities she obviously deemed dangerous. My mom noticed the woman, but ignored her. She concentrated on her knitting for about 15 minutes, and could feel the womans tension build, until finally: "I can't believe it!" the woman shouted, " I have been sitting here for the last 15 minutes watching this child run around, out of control, with no sign of his mother even caring if anything happens!" She turned to my mom, who happened to look very young for a 24- year old, and said: "Do you know whose child this is?!?" Very quietly she said, "He's mine." The woman left in a huff, certainly sure of her being an irresponsible "young" mother. Thanks, Mom.
  16. It might be past the date. I can see them fine...
  17. EWolfe

    Route conditions

    Is it flip-flop conditions yet on the approach to lower town wall? I got a mosquito bite on my foot last time, reminding me how brutal the conditions can be up there...in the wilderness...
  18. You should get together with this guy
  19. Thanks for the link, ChucK. That's what I was referring to.
  20. I actually listened to the report on NPR this morning. That was just a link I found.
  21. I said Bush ADMINISTRATION, Greg. His Justice Department wrote the memo. Plausible deniability is no excuse.
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