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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Jesus, Will. You ain't bin hittin' that Cobra enough to be that eloquent.
  2. Thanks, Coach. Now DO THE RED TOWER, BEEEYOOTCH!!!
  3. Subservience works for some, not for me.
  4. Besides, the Gunks is a different issue. There are very strong climbing coalitions in the state of New York regarding these issues. We just started the first one here, reminder.
  5. I think Spungy should get together with Thad and turn this into a boner thread!
  6. EWolfe

    Why we die

    Cluck, you crack me up!
  7. They crave peanut butter occasionally. Same thing happened with cheese a few years back.
  8. If over 500 are on this thread...
  9. Yeah, but what about those 4-day slogfests to solo 5.2? Ya gotta make up for those!
  10. EWolfe


    They are spread too thin, and need local representation regarding what is happening accesswise on the "new front" as well as embedded issues that they, as a national organization, have difficulty keeping up with.
  11. Final Results (of 184 polled!)
  12. Can he do it? Will he bust out 725 posts in the next 22 days? Place your bets, Ladies and Gentlemen, the game is afoot! DRU DRU DRU DRU DRU DRU
  13. Final results ( of almost 200 votes!)
  14. Hey! You have no excuse! It's right in your back yard! I'm still gettin' "gummed up" on the approach
  15. So, bouldering is considered climbing these days, huh? I must be getting old...
  16. Oooooo! Tough talk from someone who can't get across the border due to (deleted by MisterE, boundary issues)
  17. Often seen with his countryman, ExtremoCurlingDude!
  18. Woah! A picture of ExtremoBoulderDude! Pull It Down! LOL!
  19. I am still not sure Dru IS a tough Canadian.
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