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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Stay home and wait for the inevitable slideshow/TR
  2. EWolfe

    fahrenheit 9/11

    Cool. Going to see it on Tuesday. Wondering how much material is from "Dude! Where's my country?"
  3. I was thinking about joining the services in my younger days, and when I asked my father about it, he said: "Be prepared to lose your freedom for at least two years." I ended up not joining because of that statement.
  4. Jacket. Check PM's please. NOLSe, you owe me for the pad first, pal!
  5. Awesome vid, Tim! Bluebird, J5 and corn! w00t!
  6. Endless potential, especially around the point where Rat mentioned. I drove out there today, WOW!
  7. EWolfe


    Last weekend, Skyclimb took the old Ford out for a spin: :
  8. EWolfe


    Across the street...
  9. I was in for a table saw injury at Swedish a few years back, and ran into this guy (who has to have the worst luck ever): He was a superintendent on a huge building project in Seattle, and his pager battery ran out. He happened to be on the platform above a huge demolition dumpster, one of the huge ones 20' X 50'. So he takes the AAA batery out of his pager and chucks it into the dumpster. The TRIPLE A battery impales on something and shoots battery acid right back into his eye! This guy is screaming in serious pain when I get there, he told me the story later in recovery. Note: Shoving a needle into a freshly tablesawed thumb to anesthize is BIG PAIN!!
  10. Mud-covered, BBQ'd, cracker-choking
  11. This one calls for young How do you tell?
  12. Surely. I don't even mind picking the bones out, but the hair skim...
  13. Sorry, that file was not found The file your browser requested could not be found on our servers. We may have recently moved around, renamed, or deleted certain files. If you were looking for a particular article or topic, try using our search form in the header above. If you clicked a link somewhere on our site and were led to this page, please let us know so we can fix our mistake as soon as possible. Otherwise, try returning back to Wired News Home and browsing from there.
  14. Will you sign this non-disclosure agreement when I ask you for the password to all those old avatars?
  15. Classic conservative, BTW.
  16. Leave the last crux unscrubbed for the poor bastards. As well as a nice run-out exit slab (nicely gravelled and mossed)
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