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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Agreed. That was about as bad a post as I have ever witnessed on this board And your weak effort at a recovery makes you even more lame. There is a reason that you have a preview option? It's so you see the lousy shit you are about to post.
  2. What Lammy is saying is: It's an adventure route! Bring your 5-step aiders, unless you are tall.
  3. EWolfe


    Eventually. But yeah. I will probably keep the driveway plowed in the winter for those who want to camp. Brrrr.
  4. EWolfe


    climbers welcome, maybe
  5. I am guessing the idea behind the repeal of RICO is to free up the clogged prisons from non-violent offenders. Put 'em back on Wall Street , and behind the camera, right? I must presume that other non-violent crimes are also being considered for repeal ( I didn't go to the website), and not just the racketeers. I am all for drug possession charges being commuted to community service.
  6. EWolfe

    Smoking Bans

    Sweet! You health nut, you!
  7. Squamish report: Tonight Jun 10 Showers 46° 50 % Fri Jun 11 Showers 63°/44° 50 % Sat Jun 12 Showers 65°/47° 50 % Sun Jun 13 Rain 64°/45° 80 % Mon Jun 14 Showers 62°/43° 50 % Eastside, Babies!
  8. EWolfe


    Oh, sure the old "bound-to-secrecy", is it? Yes, well that's the sort of blinkered, philistine, pig-ignorance I have come to expect from you secular types. You sit there in your "secret moderators forum", squeezing blackheads, not caring a tinker's cuss for the struggling artist! You whining, hypocritical toadies with your secret moderators handshake, and your "forum-access-rights-even-after-you-quit-moderating", you wouldn't let me join you, would you, you black-balling bastards! Why, I wouldn't become a moderator-type if you got down on your lousy knees and begged me! ( monty python variation )
  9. EWolfe

    Smoking Bans

    note: you wouldn't believe the weird shit that came up when I googled "snuff"!
  10. EWolfe


    So come clean, now that you have cast off the chains of protocol: Tell us all about the secret moderators forum! Or your name is still brown in my book, pal!
  11. It ain't Chilly, but it's wack, Yo.
  12. Does Harry Pi climb?
  13. I have climbed Wortley's Revenge probably 60 times and never fallen. Overboard at Smith at least 50. I have done Saggitarius at least 25 times, Princely Ambitions at least 20. The Bone 10 or so. I have "tried" Iron Horse and Japanese Gardens (full) at least 15 times each, without success , although I did get Jap Gardens on TR a couple of times. TimL=Sendbot!
  14. God, I had forgotten about that site. Yuk!
  15. EWolfe


    Thanks, Man! The firepit, too. That's gotta happen to burn the stuff I will be clearing, and to keep mosquitos away... Oh! And gotta have the outhouse, too! to a place to lay one
  16. EWolfe


    Closing Tuesday on: Here's part of the original trail across Steven's Pass: (The cedar grove is where the canopy of trees starts) So , you won't see much of me next week, cuz I will be out there with my new (old) toy: building a driveway and clearing a place for the shed and 10' X 10' mini house I plan to build.
  17. I haven't seen him for 30 years. Thanks for the blast from the past.
  18. Course, the way around that is to name your route something so dispicable that no-one would WANT to lay claim to it.
  19. seen on a genetalia-compensating monster truck: " If you can't stop, smile as you go under"
  20. EWolfe


    The really nice part is you can stick you beluga and Dom in the glacier by the chopper so it's nice and chilled when you get back
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