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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Favorite Pie?

    Pie-eyed Lingonberry pie.
  2. Grandma once poisoned a and it crawled into her wall and died. Smelled like decomposing for 10 years, until she sold the house.
  3. I fucking love Aliens. They are THE SHIT! (except for horizontal placements )
  4. That reminds me of a story. I was driving the narrow, full-parking backstreets of Capitol Hill one day, when a Hummer appeared in fromt of me. Normally, two cars can fit, albeit tightly, past each other. But not this time. Of course, in keeping with the laws of nature, I backed my small CRV down and allowed the larger animal to pass (lucky to not be devoured). A funny thought struck me as it rolled by: What if TWO Hummers confronted each other in a similar situation? Would they have a testosterone butting contest? Would they merely drive on the roofs of the subarus, bugs, and assorted small vehicles parked and wave to each other through their tinted windows on passing?
  5. Geez. I just got back at 12:30 - I'm warming up.
  7. HEY NOW!!! There's this guy named "Rich" if'n ya like old hippy ass.
  8. Across town from easy street, you mean.
  9. EWolfe

    New Innovation!

    Great for on-site enemas, too!
  10. I was walking backwards along a dock in Sitka, Alaska when I was in my 20's, waving goodbye to a mate leaving on a boat. I fell through the piling hole (situated in the middle of the floating dock), hit my head on the rail as I went under. I came up for air, and there was just weedy styrofoam. My friend dove off the departing boat and pulled me out from under the dock. I had a huge bone bruise on the side of my jaw for 4 months. The looks I got.
  11. EWolfe

    Boxing Day

    Back to your corner, split-lip. Next round is for my thread, so watch it.
  12. Adidas_1 Intelligence Level 1.1 I'm not exactly a trainer expert, but I can still appreciate the greatness of a running shoe with a built-in computer! The new Adidas_1 Intelligence Level 1.1 is the second generation of their 'intelligent' trainer, which adjusts itself via a motorised cable system to provide optimum comfort and support. The new design has a faster microprocessor, better cushioning and more torque (whatever that is), which basically means it adjusts itself faster and smoother than the original Adidas_1. The shoe retails at $250 Wow.
  13. I would agree that replacing old/dangerous bolts is fine, especially at anchor points. Care must be taken to enlarge the existing hole, not make new ones. It is also ALWAYS a good idea to check with the First Ascentionist before doing any work on their routes. Erik
  14. Binoculars for scopin' Friggin' Sweet Lines Ren and Stimpy Season 2-1/2 'Vote For Pedro' shirt & Napoleon Dynamite comfys! Sweet! Subscription to Climbing warm socks and hat. Yummy! 2 tickets to any show at the Mt Baker Theater.
  15. That's what I was thinking. It still may be a go. I had my back checked out by a Chiro today, and there is no disc damage. I am getting a couple of adjustments (my back was WAY out), and we'll see how it feels tomorrow. Getting old sucks.
  16. Bob has offered to take a look at my back for me. I have a slide out tool drawer in the back of my work truck that got stuck, and I hurt myself lifting and pushing it back in. No fucking insurance, aaaaarrrghhhh! Thanks for your ideas and support.
  18. Try Hardware Sales. Pawn shops may have old ladders as well, and you could take the extensions apart, as suggested.
  19. EWolfe

    Lard-Ass Poll

    Whatever, Desk-Jockey. How are the 'rhoids doin'?
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