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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Change your avatar pic, and I may consider.
  2. EWolfe

    A Lesson

    Can't his sphincter just roundhouse kick the shit out of his ass?
  3. I have recently found out that the old 4X6 headers are a thing of the past in newer construction. Nonetheless, as mentioned, you should be able to tie into the king studs on either side of the doorway with your plywood, and an anchor point or two at the header (2X4?!?) should be bomber in conjunction with those king anchors. Screws are fine, especially for the smaller board.
  4. Coding, perchance (on the dimple thing). A singularity in each "batch" is easier than a code? I think RuMR got dumped by a CCH hottie, and is pissed.
  5. EWolfe

    Quality gif

    Agreed. Japanamation at it's giffin' best.
  6. Your crag, anytime, Pal.
  7. Only the Wizards behind the curtain know for sure...
  8. Happy Birthday, Will! Mines tomorrow: forty-fucking-four.
  9. I was actually bitching about Bush, but who am I but a little raindrop in an overwhelming flood of rain-bitching. Cobra: You live your whole life here, you have an UNDENIABLE RIGHT to get pissed about the pissing.
  10. I wrote a poem about this a few years back. From my collection "Ravings Of A Coastal Madman" Mind On A Train Spontaneous and free for years, it seems Coming back into the mundane: workaday, slave away Put my mind on a train. Carry it down the line to places far away While the body works, the mind will play. In the groove of daily grind freedom left far behind Pay the bills, save and dream for things that fulfill In here looking out, mind on a train. Mind on a train the ticket's one way find the means hold the hope Join it someday.
  11. A shame, but I have a theory about this one: Imagine you are at the remote outpost of Sealth, sending written word for contact with the East. The Great Chief was the obvious choice for the name of the settlement. As you are hurried sometimes in your communication, you, as may of us, tend to scribble a little at the end of a word as you are writing your cursive, causing the "h" to fall off a little. Then, the crossing of the "t" carrys into the preceding "l". The is causes the "lt" to look like "tt", and the loose end of the h makes it possible to be a "le". Try it yourself: write "Sealth" quickly.
  12. Aliencamsbycch.com If ya read their website link fast, it sounds like Alien Cams, Bitch!
  13. Stewing in Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder Syndrome.
  14. **edited due to insensitivity**
  15. EWolfe

    A Lesson

    You wipe with the gun? Bad-ass!
  16. I can't see what you are implying.
  17. That's what I do, and I don't get to wear fuzzy socks. Just white-soled, non-marking shoes. But the coffee and indoor work IS nice. I had to do carpentry for 15 years to get there, though. And I have to deal with clients.
  18. You could be driving a shit-vaccuum truck.
  19. Today Jan 12 Rain N/A/41° 100% Fri Jan 13 Rain 49°/41° 100% Sat Jan 14 Showers 46°/34° 60% Sun Jan 15 Few Showers 43°/36° 30% Mon Jan 16 Showers 44°/40° 40% Tue Jan 17 Rain / Wind 50°/40° 60% Wed Jan 18 Showers 46°/32° 40% Thu Jan 19 Partly Cloudy 43°/34° 10% Fri Jan 20 Showers 44°/34° 60% Sat Jan 21 Showers 46°/33° 60%
  20. Just wait a couple of "dry-tooling " nights, and unlubricated condoms will abound.
  21. Greased Pig Chasing: Not just for daytime anymore.
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