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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. Thanks! There's a preliminary blurb of the FZ30 on DP Review, in case you want to check it out.
  2. On a slightly related note, I've been trying to sell the idea of Oregon seceding to my friends. Here's how it would go down... Oregon declares itself an independent nation. We then say that we have weapons of mass destruction, (which we do, in Umatilla, the chemical weapons depot) refuse to allow inspectors in, then BOOM! the US military invades, and begins to rebuild our bridges, schools, and roads. It might work..
  3. So..Anybody have any experience with the Panasonic FZ20?
  4. Say, that reminds me, How many Pollocks does it take to screw up a light bulb? THREE! No, wait... I told it wrong...
  5. WTF? 2 weeks to the day and exactly 3 bombs in the subway and one on a bus. Sucks. At least nobody was killed. Terrorists suck.
  7. Man, I tried reading that Ann Coulter link, and couldn't make it through it. What got me was the "perform an abortion, live" shit. How ignorant and inflammatory of her.
  8. So, the core of the moon, is it solid or molten cheese?
  10. Plus he's just a plain Fuckhead.
  11. And the Bible!
  12. That's depressing, but they were very much alike.
  13. Kerry: He couldn't have been more wooden. And long winded.
  14. bunglehead


    Well if that shit about the Biodiesel smelling like whatever it's reclaimed from is true, down here in Oregon they must be reclaiming it from diapers full of rotten shrimp and burning tires that sumo wrestlers took a dump on, cuz that shit STINKS. I'd rather smell gas fumes any day.
  15. Uh, I mean: Weak! But louder.
  16. WEAK.
  17. Yikes. That seems like a stupid thing to even think about trying. But if they do, I welcome our monkey Overlords and I want them to know I'd be happy to gather bananas for them.
  18. I got this thingy..???
  19. bunglehead


    That guy's crazy!
  20. bunglehead

    Yukon Ho

    It's always karaoke in my brain. Like 24/7
  21. bunglehead

    Yukon Ho

    I thought you put the o in only? It's like that, ya know?
  22. bunglehead


    Ahh, Drinky Crow! His madcap antics always make me laugh!
  23. This is an unsettling thread.
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