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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. Seems there's been a lot of references made to religion around here lately, So let's make some jokes. I'll go first. A Zen Buddhist walks into a pizza parlor. The guy behind the counter asks: "Hey buddy, can I get you something?" The buddhist replies: "Yes, make me one with everything"
  2. I'm surprised Sharon was the one to make this stick, considering he personally conducted raids (while in the army) to kill Palestinians terrorists hiding out in Jordan. I guess facing a populace of people so desperate that they're willing to use themselves to deliver bombs has finally sunk in to those idiots like Sharon, and particularly Netan-yahoo. The dick's originally from Brooklyn. Maybe if the Israeli government stuck to the agreements hammered out in the Oslo accords, there'd be a lot less dead Israelis and Palestinians. I feel bad for all those poor bastards that are caught in the consequences of toxic politics. Most Palestinians and Israelis jsut want to go to work, maybe go have a drink/smoke after work, and then go home to their families.
  3. Hey guys, If you go back and read your recent history of Israel more closely, most of the settlers in Gaza were actually encouraged and subzidized by the Israeli government to settle there after the 1973 war (or Yom Kippur war, as it's called in Israel), so they weren't there illegally. In fact a lot of them in the northern part of Gaza moved there to try to make a better life for themselves, as they were mostly poor, and secular, Israelis from working class cities. The ones in the southern part, those nutcases are a different story. A fair percentage of those are those crazy Lubavitchers from Brooklyn, you know, the same group that has fistfights on shabbat over disagreements on interpretation of Talmudic law, They're a different story. And while it may be a sad day for the 8 thousand Israelis being evicted from Palestinian terrotiry, I'm sure the 1.1 million Palestians that live in Gaza see it differently. While it's easier on the brain to label everyone in that part of the world morons and racist, and dismiss it as an eternal struggle without resolution, that's simplifying a bit. That being said I personally don't really have a whole lot of pity for those fucking idiots (mostly teenagers) that are resiting the relocation by spraying the soldiers and police with gasoline, ammonia and acid. Kind of nulls their claim of the relocations being immoral.
  4. Actually, that's not a bad idea either.
  5. It's idiotic that funerals are so expensive. Go to Ralph's, get a coffee can, and toss my ashes into the ocean.
  6. Huh, I didn't know Dom DeLuis and Burt Reynolds had a love child. I didn't even know it was possible!
  7. Perhaps through banner ads in your signature area?
  8. Freedom From Fear, Americans During the Great Depression and World War 2, by Joseph Kennedy. Still. It's like a million pages, or something.
  9. Me too. Sadly.
  10. Those are some uuugly motherfuckers.
  11. I hope so. Meanwhile, in Stars and Stripes: "Third tours" are a possibility for our troops Gotta have some sympathy for the soldiers.
  12. Anybody got some spare tinfoil for my hat?
  13. I'm no conspiracy nut, but I just found out that The GWB has a younger brother named Marvin that was in charge of fucking SECURITY at the WTC complex when the attacks occured! That's a strange coincidence, isn't it? Somebody give me a plausible explanation so my brain doesn't explode. It's gotta be a coincidence, right? Anybody? A little help?
  14. It's crossed my mind. Fortunately I have a clear shot of all paths of egress to and from my cubicle area
  15. Maybe...... Maybe he's "seeing" his missing chromosomes, floating in the air in front of his computer screen, taunting him, making him feel incomplete and angry..
  16. I think he sees burning crosses.
  17. Speaking of bored: there's a guy that sits behind me at work that actually just sits there and stares at a fucking BLANK COMPUTER SCREEN. He's getting paid for this. He could be spraying!!
  18. I clicked that link and got FOX NEWS!! I feel dumber dlready
  19. Agreed, but I think it's bullshit that the president has consolidated power enough that he can do whatever the fuck he feels like doing with our troops, and congress sits on its collective worthless ass and green lights everything he wants. I was under the impression that it actually took an act of congress to declare war, which they didn't do. They basically ok'd Bush to do the deed, but I don't recall a vote on the floor of the house or the senate declaring war on Iraq. They're just as culpable in this mess as the president. But they won't see anything in the form of punsihment for their immorality. It's a beautiful world.
  20. Good one! Also: Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day.
  21. that's better, I think? How about some King Crimson: "I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat....."
  22. Please stop! Musicals! GAH!
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