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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. WRONG! With modern screws in good ice the screw is strongest when tilted downhill (ie hanger is lower than the teeth). Craig Luebben did a bunch of tests on this.
  2. I know, I love the back country. But I was just expressing the other side of the coin. I like both heads and tails... funny its almost like alpine climbing verses goin to the sporto crag It really is...I'm a pansy, so I don't do terrain parks, but turns inbounds are too easy. I can get down pretty much anything inbounds, if not gracefully or quickly, but in the BC you get steeps, real hazards (eg crevasses), the snow is rarely perfect, and I just get bored inbounds. I really suck though, so take everything with a grain of salt. PS lifts cost too much...more reasons for bc.
  3. Rather than ME?? I feel so lost. So betrayed. I'm going to go cry in a corner now.
  4. What rossis are you talking about? The Bandit series? Havoc is one fat ski. Mira is midfat.
  5. Huh? You just got high or something? Skiing is about hacking your lungs up, dodging crevasses, and hiking/skinning for 6 hours for a 45 minute run through crust and ice. Duh!
  6. Sphinx


    Seven times and counting.
  7. Sphinx


    "Fuck that shit, bitch, eat a motherfucking dick..." -Eminem. Quit bitching, choads, these little reform movements are commonplace. Apparently they come around once a year or so. Muffy, you're so addicted you couldn't quit if your computer exploded. Babnik, even cc.com at its worst is better than school. You two will stick around for a long, long time, as will Trask. He'll be back.
  8. Sphinx

    Spray Opinion

    Kitten, I remember the last time I made a $ donation to the board...when's the last time you made one? I posted an opinion. I'm still trying to figure out why you posted your response. Was it simply to suck up to Jon and Timmy? (Yeah, I agree, they've got a good gig here and it's their right to do whatever they want with it. I also want them to know that while it might not be apparent that the likes of trask make this place what it is, I do believe that's true. ) Or were you just shooting from the hip, and missing, because you like the sound of your voice chastising people? It's the latter.
  9. I find it difficult to understand how or why some people can totally abandon their sense of civility and decency when they go online. I've heard others say that Necro is a good climbing partner and an agreeable person. Sure, there are people who take on alternate "persona" for their personal amusement, but this is a very serious and solemn occasion. You're basing your statements on an assumption that I would interact differently with NEWSTIPS in person than I would in this forum. You are mistaken, as anyone who knows me well will confirm. You could also ask the editors and reporters in the Bellingham Herald newsroom, for whom I ripped new assholes over their recent report of the death of a friend. You could ask the KOMO reporter I ripped into for fifteen minutes at a SAR for a lost snowboarder, after she asked me if I could point out any family members of the missing. You could ask the KOMO technician I layed into when they came to our town to report on a baseball bat beating. Additionally, I don't find it amusing. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. But I see it as my righteous duty to express my beliefs to these people. NEWSTIPS claims that's she's one of the good guys, just as most of her colleagues would. But she is still part of the system that I despise. I know I'll get slammed for this comparison, but I'll make it anyways: I'm sure that some of the German beurecrats that helped to exterminate 9 million people were good hearted and well meaning, but the sum of their efforts was an atrocity. BTW, got banned, did you?
  10. You got fired again?! Did your boss find you crying into beer instead of working?
  11. Sphinx


    It's all about the SHROOMS, man. Jeez!
  12. But the Havoc is FAT, not semi-fat, and has a foam core, not a wood core. I haven't skied the Rossi B1-B3 series yet, but from flexing in the shop they felt pretty soft. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to overpower them....
  13. They can't be as strong as 'real' screws, REI says to tilt them uphill. Use as a leaver screw only, IMO.
  14. im not. fuck the shops and the asshole employees who spray bout shit they dont know. oh wait. beck got fired. nevermind.
  15. Mohair is less durable. People claim it glides better, but when I want to glide I take em off.
  16. Sphinx


    Problem with that movie is that the doctor is supposed to be the antagonist. I felt sorry for him from the first scene on. I hated Bob.
  17. Sphinx


    Trask got banned?
  18. Sphinx

    Spray Opinion

    I think before anyone makes a post, you should send a copy to a moderator to make sure it's OK. Then we won't have any more problems. What I don't get is why we can't be juvenile, caustic, arrogant, mean, ect, in Spray. Spray makes this website what it is, so we shouldn't moderate the hell out of it. Remove spray from anywhere but Spray, but leave spray in Spray alone.
  19. Sphinx

    Spray Opinion

    Careful, now, RobBob, you don't wanna get banned. Naughty naughty!
  20. It's sunny and warm right now. May all your wishes be fulfilled on the sun-warmed peaceful crags of one of God's masterpieces.
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