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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. Right. When you get 16 fucks beating up 3 fucks, it's a fair fight in Canada, right? Pansy little jackasses they are. Probably boulderers, too!
  2. Your genius wit almost keeps up to the quality of your spray. In case you draw the wrong conclusion, let me add that your spray is so naive, misleading, and straight-out false, that I have to wonder whether your first name is Al and your last name is Gore. Eat a dick, you cum-guzzling, horse-fucking bag of overripe dogshit.
  3. Denali tours pretty damn good if you undo all buckles and let your foot move inside the shell.
  4. Sphinx


    I ain't well know for being nice. Asshole! Go fuck a fish!
  5. Sphinx

    movies that suck.

    I didn't see that movie. But I will admit I really loved "Dances with Wolves" I am a girl at heart Oh, god, I thought you were a girl at body, too. Disappointing!
  6. Yeah, cause you're butt-ugly.
  7. AT is getting closer and closer to real alpine gear. The Denali is damn near most alpine boots, and I'd be surprised if we don't get a truly bomber binding in the next few years.
  8. Sphinx

    Is He Dead?

    God? Yes, God is dead. So is Baby Jesus, BTW.
  9. Erik, you some kinda freak? Don't know how to cook 'n stuff? You need to find a wife. Baby Jesus!
  10. Sphinx


    You suck, too, Trask!
  11. I hate you all! I hope you step in front of a semi and die tonight! I hate you! You suck!
  12. Fuck it, just buy whatever you like and then spray about it online! Sheesh.
  13. Sphinx


    No, you'd get tired of life. Stupid question, we're not immortal and never will be.
  14. What's you point? T'was Dwayner-baiting. Entertainment. I'm bored. Bring back tomcat.
  15. Yer puny old-man leg couldn't squash a bug, RuM(p)R(anger). Dwayner was fun to punch around.
  16. I was beating him down so thoroughly. I need to vent some frustration ( ) on someone, but noone here is willing. Help me out, guys!
  17. Sphinx

    you know who you are

    You're shitting me.
  18. Sphinx

    you know who you are

    Don't let this one die! Keep it up, dipshits! Let's have some real ing! Where's Dwayner? I kicked his ass last night, and now he slunk away to cry in a corner. Lame! This spray is getting stale. Who's up for an ass-whooping?
  19. Anasazi Mesa if they fit. Anasazi Laceup if they fit. What's wrong with da Ace?
  20. Ascent-->sport shoe No, no, no, you horny jackass. I ment the Miura as a sport shoe, the Ascent as an edging shoe. Dumbass.
  21. That book is plab. Quote: "They even tried to make Christians out of the Indians, as if the Indians weren't bad enough already".
  22. NO worries in that department.
  23. Check it out! It's Trask!
  24. What gun?
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