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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. Sphinx

    they honked and

    Hahaha Necro, thanks as always for the Monday laughs. I wasn't the one throwing an apple at your stupid wife, but if I'd have seen her riding her dumb bicycle, I'd have thrown my can of Budwiser at her. Then I'd have given her my address and phone number so she could later come over and suck my schlong. You know the ho wants to. Ewik's gonna ban you!
  2. Sphinx

    they honked and

    He was excircising his forearm!
  3. I'll watch your ass! that creeps me out. Please don't It would be more pleasant than watching my ass.
  4. I'll watch your ass!
  5. Sphinx

    they honked and

  6. Sphinx


    how about some nice instead? No lasagna, and I'm not sorry.
  7. Ewik's pissed. Sphinx is meanYesNoBattleCage!
  8. And another reasonable thread sinks into the swamp of spray....
  9. Your comments are well noted. I mean, like, fuck, dude, you keep posting TRs that nobody cares about and you post pictures that are boring and shit. Bring back the old Caveman, none of the pansies here can compete with me. Boring! We need CrazyPolishDickheadBob!
  10. Caveman, just shut the fuck up. What happened to the old Caveman? Spray or shut up. Who cares about climbing? Jesus!
  11. Sphinx

    Enjoy life

    For once I feel sorry for you.
  12. Dru, just STFU for once and get your skinny white ass back into the corner before someone bitchslaps you like you keep asking for. LAME!
  13. Like all 10,000+ maybe? Dru, you suck. Eat a dick.
  14. Naw, it ain't Trask. He's somewhat decent, sometimes. Minx
  15. Yeah, cc.com has made me into a useless employee, takes up all my time, and lets me piss off people who I don't know and probably will never know. Talk about a boring thread. Holy shit!
  16. Sphinx

    Have you ever...

    become unusually introspective some dark, lonely evening, and wonder why you're not bettering the world, that you aren't producing, you waste the time of your employer, you have a bunch of friends who don't know you, and you are overwhelmed by the patheticness and pointlessness of your existance. And you get in your car and drive pointlessly until you come to a bridge. You get out in the pouring rain, and can't stand how futile your attempts at being an important, knowledgable individual are, and jump? to end it all, to better the world, free up some resources for someone who might do better, bring peace or healing to this world? Well, I haven't, but you should seriously think about it. You're pathetic. You suck!
  17. Fairweather doesnt, but j_b fucks
  18. ...My suspicions about j_b now proven beyond any doubt. ::pink emoticon grabing ankles: this is on par with your level of political commentary ... and what does follow? the pink triangle on the shirt for every suspect? Have you ever climbed in your life? Seems to me all you do is read political commentary coming from the extreme right, and to make sure that you don't get a balanced view, you don't read anything else. You are one of the few posters on this site that I wouldn't shake the hand of if I met you in person.
  19. The fact is that some climbers ARE a squabbling bunch of juvenile idiots. Yes, and when that fact comes to the attention of landowners, FS officials, etc, they like to ban us. BTW, catshiteat, you're as bad as I am.
  20. Sphinx

    To All Those Who Say

    You guys all suck! I hope you get drunk and drugged-out next time you go fishing, lose control of your boat, and fall out and drown!
  21. Minx=kitten?
  22. j_b, I've read a few of your ' truthful' articles. Too many. Either way, I know that everything that you post is so irrelevant that it's not worth wasting my time to read it. Quit cutting and pasting multi-page political bullshit. Tool. You're so full of shit it's obscuring your eyeballs, ears, and apparently, your fingers. Stuff it, bitch!
  23. We've already Beck to fuck us over when it comes to politicians, we don't need media coverage. Fuck, the Wall Street Journal actually published a article portraying climbers as a squabbling bunch of juvenile idiots. We don't need articles about Dwhiner vs me, climbers vs Larry the Tool, etc. Sorry newtips, I'd like to say out of the media's view.
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