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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. - rocking your world?
  2. they don't have to. they have the id of the vehicle owner. the passangers they have to type and now they often do. if you crossed one time you are in the system, so first 3- letters will do and then scroll down to the correct person.
  3. computer- you'll have a record and they can access it.
  4. as far as treatment you have to loosen up your lattissimus dorsi. the reason you have this problem is you scapula doesn't release early enough and your own scapula cuts into superspinal tendon causing inflammation. is your pain with horizontal abduction between 70 and 120 degrees? pm me and i can send you to a couple of good massage therapists or pt's in seattle area. ciao- r ps do you have any neck pain?
  5. remember, if you have dui you can't enter canada either. btw, what is this big deal. everywhere you need a passport if you go to another country. us has one of the most restrictive policies as far as immigration laws.
  6. most of the ghost and kananaskis, trophy wall (if formed), stanley glacier headwall +nemesis area, kitty hawk area, do you need more???
  7. by mid november 90% o f the climbs are formed up. yes there are some that form later, but in general they are a minority. That just not true I don't know about "90%" but there is a fair amount in by Thanksgiving. It depends on the year though, the last two years especially have been very mild in the early season. that's not true? look at the www.gravsports.com or www.live-the-vission.com and see how many new routes were put up in October of last year. as the matter of fact a lot of these thin mixed lines were gone after a couple of chinooks in november. most likely this season will be kind of lean, since there is little of ground water flowing due to dry winter and hot/dry summer.
  8. dru, i bet differ about sidestreet. a couple of people i know did this route. there is 6 pitches of climbing with a crux about M5, which is about the same as andromeda strain. i don't know what are you talking about as far as lack of ice early in the season? by mid november 90% o f the climbs are formed up. yes there are some that form later, but in general they are a minority. november by far is the best to climb due to low avalanche hazard. as far as doing alpine routes at that time of the year- mighty hard- a very short day to deal with, hence you have to be fast
  9. yeah, chicken shit ascent. the line proper should go to the right....
  10. your plungeabe slopes http://aai.cc/program_slideshow.asp?program=63&startslide=5
  11. they are, i agree. i am getting my ergos pretty soon. on this token i am still not certain as far as leashless in alpine, since the north americam leading pack from canmore/banf is doing routes with leashes, so did Jaspers on No Siesta on Croz. it's kind of interesting to see what concensus is going to be on that one.
  12. the joy of auto-tranlation.
  13. it would be good to see some of these guys in places like Squamish or Bugaboos. I bet there would be an instant jump in standard of climbing.
  14. that's great. but last time i checked Hubers were from Austria and they did their fair shere of bolt clipping. and that was the point of my first post.
  15. if you need to grab a head of the tool, why do you need your leash clipped anyway???it takes like 2 seconds for you to get in and out of leashes, which for mixed-alpine is critical. i used them for thew past 4 seasons. most of the hard core guys from canmore and calgary do too. after using pretty much everything else out there i am convinced this is the shit and at this point any other purchase is sub-standard and waste of your hard earned cash. these leashes will improve your ability to climb harder
  16. so A4 goes free with 2x 14a pitches a few more 13b/c and a whole bunch of hard 12's. show me a fucking single route around PNW? so for all of anti-sportclimbing crowd- words -action=zilch.
  17. others are climbing.... http://www.desnivel.com/object.php?o=8938
  18. andreoids- even for alpine. everything else is just waste of your money...
  19. was it 450 Can or U$? thanks for the info
  20. hey, i have 3 access questions: 1. there is supposed to be a company flying a fixed wing aircraft (plane not a chopper) into Waddington area- any ideas? 2.how is a winter access to Old Settlers? 3.how is the winter access to Anderson River Peaks (would it be even worth going there in winter?) thanks for info, no spray please- ciao- r
  21. i was talking about taking a trip out there.
  22. so champion of what? spray and marketing? what the fuck are you talking about? if you have a picture of yourself with a number from a comp and your hands are up and BIG fucking letters " champion climber"- #1. you suggest you are a world champion (well at least the US??) #2. you think everyone is brainless fuck and you intend to cash out on this fact. the fact of the matter is i couldn't find her ranking anywhere in the top 50 climbers in ICC ratings or on 8a.nu. as the matter of fact there are several women from the US, who are ranked higher. why can't you understand such a simple fact.? one more time- champion of what?
  23. this is a problem- a surgeon will do a surgery and this is a wrong turn of events. with body work modalities like pt, chiro, acupuncture or massage the side effects are minimal and you can't un-do suregery. so try everything else before. in 1996 i suffered shoulder dislocation. dx was "multi- directional instability". orthopedic surgeon recommended surgery after 1 visit. i started checking out other options and reading about this pathology. according to many medical publications surgery was not recommended for this condition and final outcomes were usually bad. so if i went with his recommendation i would be most likely fucked now. try as many things as you can, find someone who works with athletes and try everything else before you go under the knife.
  24. rudy, it's not always the case. there is plenty of people who can't make the switch. there is more to it then just physical capability. mental aspect is as important and a lot of people just don't have it. i don't say in her case she couldn't, but i don't think it's an automatic assumption.
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