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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. ricardolagos said: normally i don't give a rats fuck about little cat fight like you two are having right now. but i decided to step in and smack you down like a little biatch. what the fuck is your point donkey? what the fuck do you expect? go on C3 and clip bolts every 7 ft? let me put it in simple terms for you sizzlechest: nailing a clean (and now a free) pitch is like taking a chisle to a sport climb and manufacture holds after the FA. simple. i don't give a flying fuck about your motivation or experience as a climber. in any case nailing a free/clean route or pitch is FUCKING LAME. there is plenty of routes in yosemite to learn aid climbing. so why don't you start with something easier, something you can do. my advice laddy- stay in the fucking gym- it's where the fuck you belong. don't continue, you're over your fucking head. learn the techniques and develop as a climber.
  2. wtf- what's wrong with you. do you think i was a bit serious?
  3. local Squamish climber who made an early free ascent of U-Wall still places a few pins on it when he is guiding it tell who he is and i'll give him glasgow kiss, what a fuck wad prick. nialing a free route (which goes at modarate grade) makes me wanna make him dance to the music of automatic weapon fire.
  4. too bad you guys are not as fast and strong as we were over the weekend, because you could simul-solo this easly as we did
  5. that's why i posted my tr from canada in spray. because that's where all these tr belong.
  6. zodiak is a free route now. nobody should be nailing on it. like nobody is nailing on the nose, salathe, lurking fear or u-wall. i hope people remember it with the seasons to come.
  7. but i am so fast and strong, i can hang on the juggs
  8. my doctor told me i shouldn't be wanking or i go blind. so i decided to go climbing instead. we simul-solo this line cause we were so fucking fast and strong. this gives me spray material for another week. in a week i will have more spray material after my trip. anybody who doesn't like what i am saying can show up for the sausage fest and try to kick my ass.
  9. glassgowkiss


    dru said: hey, didn't you notice i am full of shit??we went down australian and then back up for training
  10. glassgowkiss


    while people were climbing "dry ice" during the clownpunch fest we enjoyed the best alpine conditions you can ever imagine
  11. posted tr in spray, as all of the tr belong there, so check it out. hint gulliess good faces bad...
  12. best alpine conditions i havev seen in a long time.
  13. tos. work on your scm, scalenes peck minor and subclavius. also short head of biceps brachii.
  14. glassgowkiss


    went on twisting colouir to scope this line, but nothing interesting for now. maybe se face? or.....but the styrofome was perfect. it was fucking cold there too
  15. twisting colouir, but all if them looked easy
  16. there is some stuff already forming up on duffy lake rd. look like rambles were almost ready, first pitch of loose lady is in, slog of the titans is also in (don't bother with this one as it sucks donkey kong). few more days of cold and carls-berg will be in fine shape. tres had some nice amount of ice for the first time in a lomg time. the rest not even close. alpine has the best neve conditions i have ever seen.
  17. so what- right now mountais have one of the best neve i have ever climbed on. go do something.
  18. joffree has some of the best neve conditions i have ever seen right now. go do it. easy target right now
  19. glassgowkiss


    climbsalot and i did Joffree over the weekend. you can do it only if you are as good as we are simul-solo on one of the gullies. descent- take a se face. disregard our tracks down australian gulley as we had to hike back over the top. i woke up at 2 am, but i am still writing this, since i have it fresh in my mind. only if you are as tough and strong as we are you can do these routes besides carying gear and rope which we never pulled out we did it in 12 hours 15 minutes car to car.
  20. fucking a. this article makes it look like it's the end of the fucking universe! that's what's wrong with this country. it's the culture of fear created by media. a little sun fart, a bit of diruption here and there and they trying to convince us it's the fucking end of the world and if we don't buy the crap that is advertised in there we might not live another day to do it. what a bunch of throat callus sloafing clown punching jizz gurglers and sulty breath maggots!
  21. ok so i started climbing 23 years ago. i am on my 5th set of tools. i climbed WI5, WI6 and WI6+. my advice is - technology rules, mmakes your life easier. so don't listen to lamos, just get the most advanced and the newest tools out there. only 2 brands to consider BD or CM. you won't be disapointed
  22. ok good one lubebox. but seriously i work as a massage therapist. i specialize in sport massage and injury treatment. i don't do some foo-foo-voo-doo, just plane body work. i saw quite a few injuries in the past few years. i also work a lot with athletes, worked with a couple of pro teams now and then and i think i know quite a bit on this subject matter. does it answer your question?
  23. for all of you injured and unhappy people out there. there is a question. about 3 years ago i had some workshops at vertical world on soft tissue injuries, injury treatment and injury prevention. so i was thining about talking to Dustin or Amy to schedule another one or maybe Stone gardens this time? anyway, i wanted to see if people would be interested in it. my usulal format is a lecture followed by Q/A from audience.
  24. hey don't forget ice and getting the inflamation down first before any excercise. if your acromion process keeps grinding on the superspinal tendon it will snap it. good luck.
  25. so what? Banff: Issued 11:00 AM mst Monday 27 October 2003 Today .. Cloudy with sunny periods. High 13. Tonight .. Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers near midnight. Periods of snow beginning overnight. Low zero. Tuesday .. Snow changing to rain in the morning. Rainfall amount 10 to 15 mm. Wind becoming southwest 20 km/h late in the day. High 9. Wednesday .. Snow. Low minus 8. High minus 1. Thursday .. Cloudy. 60 percent chance of flurries. Low minus 13. High minus 3. Friday .. Sunny. Low minus 12. High minus 2. Normals for the period .. Low minus 4. High 6. in less then 2 weeks i'll be climbing some real ice
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