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Everything posted by Ursa_Eagle

  1. As of Sunday the road was only open to Morrison Creek. I'm hoping the road will be open for at least part of the way to Cold Springs this weekend, but from how much snow I saw there on Sunday, I'd only expect a few hundred extra vertical feet.
  2. http://www.rei.com/online/store/ProductD...gory_rn=4501542 They had them at the store in the Pearl last I checked (they were up by the boots)
  3. I'm interested in the crampons (I sent a PM)
  4. I asked about this when I was in recently. The owner of the building is selling, and they've included a sale agreement that Climb Max gets a year after the sale to find a new home. They say they're trying to stay in the area (within 10 blocks or so), but we'll see what happens.
  5. A summit register entry on Mt. Washington was what prompted me to climb the SE Spur... it was a great route!
  6. It's currently chasing Sheep Rock
  7. I was looking at the steepness and exposure of the East Buttress and was thinking "maybe someday, but not anytime soon". I was also looking at the approach gully and thinking very similar thoughts to what you thought, it looks rather crazy. The start of the SE Spur was actually quite spectacular. We started on the left side, as per the guidebooks, and except for a 6 foot step of volcanic crap that we had to get around to gain the rock, it was quite enjoyable. 39th time?! Holy crap!
  8. Great route! First 2 pitches were of North Cascades quality rock, and there's a great knife-edge ridge traverse. Crux was indeed on good rock amid a sea of vertical scree, and the upper pitches wern't that bad (we simuled after the crux.) I will post a more detailed TR when I get a chance...
  9. Thanx for the info! I will hopefully post a TR next week.
  10. I would think it'd have to be from the western side.... look at the shadows.
  11. Anyone gone up this route? I'm wondering what the quality of the rock is like. I saw a register entry on Saturday that read "First couple hundred feet don't belong in Oregon. Worth the approach." I was wondering if anyone can elaborate on this (is the crux on good rock, how difficult is the chossy section, etc.)
  12. from kgw: "The man's name wasn't released; he was identified only as a 34-year-old Seattle resident." My condolences to his friends and family
  13. I guess they were on Cooper Spur. Whoever it was didn't make it
  14. Anyone know anybody who was going up today? I've only found the info on KGW as of yet (and there's not much there...)
  15. I plan on doing it this summer. I understand that the book Trekking Washington has a very detailed description of how to get across the trailess area (bring your altimeter.) I've done the trails around Hood and St. Helens (I feel fortunate to have done St. Helens in early September, right before it starting having bad gas), so I figure that Adams is the next logical step. That trip around Sisters looks promising too!
  16. In May or June this makes sense, but in March you generally don't have to start that early, especially if freezing level is low. I typically start somewhere between 7:00 and 9:00 am in the winter/early spring. I've left Timberline just after noon and still been fine. The reason for leaving early in the late spring/summer is the parts of the mountain that are held on by the ice tend to fall off once they've had some sun on them (not to mention the snow conditions get crappy.) In the winter/early spring this isn't a problem.
  17. Hey! Don't leave us "southerners" out of this! Portland, British Columbia has a nice ring too!
  18. scott_harpell (pg 2) said: Then scott_harpell (pg 7) said: Oh yeah, and your reasoning is still shows a lack of rational and comprehensive understanding of the facts.
  19. Oregon and Washington both voted for Kerry... can we break off and form "Cascadia"? It would probably be the most beautiful country in the world. (I like the US, but until they do something about Newark, it can never hold that title )
  20. Part of my problem is that I just don't trust the Republicans to actually have run a fair election. I'm not sure about the "voter registrations not printed on thick enough paper" in Ohio, or the republican-financed voter registration employees throwing away democratic registrations here in Oregon. I mean, even just the lies coming from George's mouth during the race (Kerry wasn't much better, but at least he was somewhat better,) to dupe people into voting for him are enough to make this election a joke. Like it or not, our election process is a joke.
  21. One of them did, you may have heard of him: George Bush... (remember his girlfriend in Houston with the abortion?) But that never happened, right?
  22. 4 more years of
  23. Ursa_Eagle

    Bush States

    So someone who lectures to us about needing to go to war yet has never been on the frontlines is any different?
  24. Oh wait a second. This is just another example of the liberal bias of the media, right? After all, it comes from the Democrat stronghold of Texas......
  25. It would give me great joy to see Texas vote for Kerry. I won't hold my breath on that one, but it will give me great joy if it happens.
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