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Everything posted by gapertimmy

  1. we put in at rome, and took out before the reservoir. i don't really remember a hole in the ground, but just lots of really big basalt cliffs and 2 kegs of mirror pond and kind green sagebrushes
  2. mmmmm, owyheee no choss out here a view from the groover If you want to go on a great trip, check out my buddy Justin's site http://raft-the-owyhee.com/
  3. I wonder how much Velvet's actual collar would fetch on ebay??!!!!
  4. I feel so honored (or honoured for Drul) that one of my posts has been resurected. And its about pissing and stuff.
  5. miss you around here Porter, get well quick.
  6. Trip: Brokentop - Thunderbird Face Date: 3/17/2007 Trip Report: Because one gaper can not have enough corn plabness, a return trip was planned and enjoyed yesterday. The Venue: Brokentop Schralper, jlag, mlag, and the sick bird dustin headed out to the boundary nice and early with visions of big corn lines in our heads. We had an enjoyable boot up the SW ridge of Brokentop (thanks to the dudes who already put in the boot pack). booting up the ridge, pucker up and the bowl There was a nice breeze up on the ridge that kept the snow at just the right temp, and kept the crew somewhat sweat free. Bachelor and the 'lags' At the top of 9 oclock coliour, we had to talk mlag out of dropping the chute. We promised to let her have first tracks on the second lap of they day: As always the views in the Three Sisters Wilderness were stellar, though sadly, snow coverage seemed more like late April/May levels than March. South, Middle, North and Schralper And the turns were good, very good. A little thick up top, but the second 2/3 of the T-Bird face (SW Face of btop) we're creamy goooooodness. Feeling the corn love A great day in the alpine with great friends. Sun, corn, and yet again, an IPA to finish off a perfect day. A fkn great time was had by all. Few last turns on the way back
  7. Click on the persons name in a post, select View Profile, and then you'll see an ignore user link inside their profile.
  8. Trip: Ball Butte - West Sizide Date: 3/15/2007 Trip Report: It had simply been too long since I had been out on the sled, or for that matter, skiing at all. My last day was an epic 21" freshie fest at Willamette Pass, Yesterday however marked some of my first CORNPLABLOVIN TURNS of the season. Don't get me wrong, I heart the pow, and it is still winter, but corn is tehplab. The snow on the way out to the boundary was pretty manked up... firmbird, and runnels seen up on high in the hills had me a bit worried about the conditions we would find on Ball. But as it came time to boot up, the corn was looking good (and so was schralper, that sexy beast) Most definitely it appears as if Brokentop had a pretty good slide after the big storm cycle which was followed by this warming pattern (no surprise here). The crown, as you can see, started below high noon where the sun bakes inside the bowl and really spread pretty far. We saw a couple of d00ds ripping sickter turns down the bowl while we were drinking some Miller Champagne. Alot of the East Facing slopes and the flats had some pretty crazy runnels which made for mass picture fun. Needless to say, the corn was oh so plab You can't beat skinning in a t-shirt, having an excellent hill all to yourself, and finishing off the day with an Inversion IPA and some beautiful Central Oregon alpenglow.
  9. Porter, get better soon so you can once again rule the intertubez and help build a more robust cc.com
  10. well it seems to be running somewhat fast right now. over the past three weeks the slowness has been caused by numerous reasons: 1- Me fahking something up 2- Our db server fahking something up 3- Repeat number 2 about 4 times 4- Routing issues at the server if you look at the very bottom of the page, you'll see somethign like this: Generated in 0.192 seconds in which 0.015 seconds were spent on a total of 13 queries. Zlib compression enabled in php.ini if the first number is big, then its our server being slow (or routing issues), if the second one is big, our db server is slow (again). We are currently testing out a new server host and might move in the next month.
  11. @billygoat meth cookin perhaps? too cold down there to grow the kind. @ryland you don't need insurance cuz your ass will be safe during the apocalypse inside that tube!!!
  12. I would love to have a lava tube under the house, you could probably cool the place by opening the door in the summer and setting a fan up. I'm too scared to call because it will only depress me to find out how much it costs. I'd also be afraid that the forest service or some ass ninja grotto fanatic would erect a large metal grate in front of the opening.
  13. http://www.2sellcentraloregon.com/bin/web/real_estate/AR179619/HOME_SEARCH/Bend/1154396379.html?ZKEY=&acnt=AR179619&action=HOME_SEARCH&inwindow=&hs_action=VIEW_DETAIL&listing_id=REASIL41533407&start=0&grp=ALL
  14. yeah nice report, looks like lots of work. I can imagine trying to do that with my super heavy setup. this pic made me laugh because it looks like he has a pair of skis lodged in his helmet.
  15. $539 http://www.backcountry.com/store/BLD1070/Black-Diamond-Kilowatt-Telemark-Ski.html?id=8PP4gvVb&PID=2196890 Backcountry.com cc.com sponsor OMC has them on sale too, for $20 cheaper $520.95 e-omc.com looks like they only have 185cm in stock though.
  16. I don't give a fahk who is going and who isn't, because i'm going, and i'm going to stick my plab in the sourkraut. If anyone wants a ride from Bend, I can get you there. Getting back to Bend is up to you though.
  17. Impromptu Bend Pube club? Stars? or jlag's fav haunt up in Redmond, The Fan.
  18. Well, this time it isn't something I did (surprise!). Our support requests to the hosting company have gone unanswered thus far, so we are shopping around.
  19. I didn't go out this weekend because of the obvious avy risks. I imagine most of the normal aspects that slide inside the bowl slide somewhat with that much snow followed by the warm up. I have seen human triggered slides out there as well though.
  20. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/hot-deals/climbing/ Some rope sales up here too. Pretty close on the Beal 10.2 deal.
  21. Nice! How was the snow at Copper?
  22. Over the past few months we have been working with a few of our cc.com sponsors to consolidate their sale/close-out items onto a page here at cascadeclimbers. You may have noticed the Sickter Schwag box in the forums recently, well all the items that are on sale at our sponsors can now be browsed right here: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/hot-deals/ The concept is very similar to anyone who is a friend of 'Steep and Cheap'. Our sponsors have inventory they need to move out quick, and its cheap. So browse around and support the local shops. I may add some search functions to this sale gear list if there is interest. Thanks for supporting your local Gear Stores.
  23. It put the lotion in the basket and all is well now.
  24. I only read weather/global related articles/media put out by Al Gore. Thanks though.
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