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Everything posted by gapertimmy

  1. The real brains behind cc.com finally revealed.
  2. Logging in issues should be sorting itself out now. Send in support tickets if you are still getting magically logged out. Thanks Timmy
  3. looookin pretty thin. I'd leave the skis home and enjoy some scree!
  4. Nope, no skis this trip, just enjoying the fall colors and hanging with the mutt goobies. I'd always wanted to get up there during the fall because its just such a magical place.
  5. Some pics from yesteday.
  6. Linky to evogear Saw some tasty deals on some phat skis (b4's, sugar daddiez) Free shipping to boot.
  7. Crazy.
  8. Own a piece of cc.com history. The notion of this wonderful interwebs site was had during a road trip in this very truck! OMG! http://bend.craigslist.org/car/417095503.html
  9. So the final pic in the last transmission was of the last storm coming in. Yesterday was a low vis day, today was blue bird and once again returned first thing to La Laguna to get the goods. Winter really isn't that far away. A single ski track down a slope is very pretty El Tornador Amazing. The sun working to burn away the final few clouds We were able to get some clean first lines as well
  10. Trip: Bariloche, AR - A Day in SA Date: 8/22/2007 Trip Report: Hola Gringos- Life is plab in Argentina. Here is some stoke from yesterday. Media Lunes y Cafe con Leche After a few rides up some chairs, and some booting we arrive mmmmm, lines mmmm, big views, much gringo meat chuckage Storm rolling in last night Spitting snow at lake level this AM. It should be another good day. Approach Notes: 48 hours later
  11. From the archives:
  12. Oh and is skeltor back from his denali epic?
  13. DOH, gotta give us a bit more notice than that d00d. Lets try this Thursday (July 19) at the *new* Wildfire Brewery, 7ish? Wildfire Brewing Company JC's Bar & Grill 642 NW Franklin Ave
  14. well somebody's gotta do it. snow in the easy-e? hot damn! stoke will overfloweth. no firm plans yet besides getting into BA and going where the plab is at that point in time
  15. well somebody's gotta do it. snow in the easy-e? hot damn! stoke will overfloweth. no firm plans yet besides getting into BA and going where the plab is at that point in time
  16. Pretty simple. Make a post that says lets go drink at xx:xx PM at such and such location, and maybe the bend contingency will represent. I'm down for a revival of the original pube club.
  17. until i escape opressive 100+ degree temps and arrive in GNARgentina! w00t!!!! WINTER IS BACK BISH
  18. http://www.bachelorliberationfront.org OMG THAT IS HILARIOUS
  19. Good discussion here. I totally agree that the TR features are soooo 2003, and could use some interweb 2.0 fanciness. I personally think that emulating sites like mountainproject and/or summit post might be a bit of an overkill in this regard as, well, these sites have already done a fine job of creating structured databases of regions/routes etc. Rather, I personally agree with tvash's approach of less is more, and allowing a less structured TR format creates less work for everyone involved. Though with advancements in online mapping tools, and great js libraries keeping a simple TR format, while at the same time enhancing searching/indexing of the data could definitely be improved upon. I have been working on a similar project for the past few months that I think may be of use here on cc.com as well. And if the format is found to be useful we will definitely need some help getting some of the 'old' data indexed accordingly.
  20. I just spoke to baby jesus and he said this thread makes him cry tears of joy.
  21. nice pics. for what its worth, when making a post, you can click the little camera icon thingy, and it makes posting pictures pretty easy.
  22. Trip: Middle Sister - Full Moon Fever: North Ridge -> SE Ridge Date: 5/31/2007 Trip Report: Because I truly never get "over it". Full moon coupled with the solid high weather system over the Pac NW meant a harvest time in the 3SW (da three sisters wilderness). The scramble for partners at the last second on Wednesday resulted in my buddy J-Dub (of former mt bachy fame) coming along for his first ever BCski-slash-Volcoslogofdeath march! So the plan was made and put into action late Wed night: hike in to snow line camp, and then get the alpine start on the N Ridge of Middle followed by some tasty corn down the SE flanks. Sick. -9PM Wed- No other cars were in the lot at Pole Creek TH as we shouldered our packs and headed up the dusty trail. The slowly fading twilight lit our path almost all the way to the creek crossing, and the pleasant temps urged us along to our camp at snowline. -4AM Thur- After catching a few winks (few being the operative word here) we began skinning up towards the ol-sweet lass Middle Sister. Snow in the trees hadn't fully setup overnight, but by the time we hit timberline, things were might firm, and the light show began. smoke + sunrise = beauty South Sister Our Playground for the day, up the right ridge, down the left J-Dub liking what he see's The rest of the skin and climb up the North Ridge, and for that matter the entire day, was just one of those magical days in the mountains; perfect temps, light breeze, absolute solitude, big views, good friends, and acres of corn. Heaven? Absolutely. J-Dub slogging the final few feet to the top, big views to the north of all the volcanos Looking South from the Summit The ski down the SE ridge was, as always, enjoyable. We even got to do some super fun scree boulder hoping in ski boots... which is a must-do for any Oregon BC adventure. We finished by skiing down the diller? glacier off the SE ridge. This lead us to an excellent icy cold stream at the toe of the glacier where we drank up some much needed water, and soaked in the final views of our amazing tour: A good time was had by all. Approach Notes: Its going going, almost gone. Lots of blow down on the trail but Memorial weekender traffic has trampled in trails around all obstacles. No skeeters - yet.
  23. Nice!!!! Looks like a pretty low snow year down there.
  24. South Sister is in Central Oregon, Three Sisters Wilderness west of Bend.
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