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Everything posted by gapertimmy

  1. Had some excellent turns yesterday with my bruthas from other muthas. Here is video evidence of our plabness and solid proof that Madonna provides the best ski porn music. Period. Aint' that right schralper? sCcOAOvxgU0
  2. I think he shot it yesterday afternoon.
  3. Manimal- Since you haven't really skied before, I'd say your best bet would be to rent some AT gear and go check it out before you drop the coin on a setup. Like all skiing gear, AT gear is pretty spendy, so whenever you can try before you buy, you'll be best off. As for specific gear types/brands, it depends on what type of skiing you want to do. Many people like AlpineK are fans of Dynafit bindings due to their lightness, and others like myself are fans of heavier binders like Fritcschi Freerides. Each have a time and place and have pro's and cons. So go find a shop that has gear you can demo, try things out, and then start price shopping. Also if you can hold out till Spring, you will save big $ by buying gear on closeout.
  4. those damned snowmachines! If you see this dude on his, ski away quick!
  5. Panther- You have tons of options to turn off the road to bachy and get some more scenic-remote schussing in. Depending on how long you want to ski for, or what type of terrain you guys want to ski on would be useful to making some recommendations. From Bachelor's Lot you can ski down the shared coridor to the Cascade Lakes Highway from there you can go pretty much anywhere: Todd Lake, Brokentop, Sparks Lake etc. On the way to Bachelor you also pass 3 snoparks on the north side of the road that boast miles of XC trails. Outside of the Cascade Lakes Highway, you also have trail corridors South of Sisters (Three Creeks Lake), Paulina, and points North like Santiam Pass. So take the $ you'd spend on a bachy trail pass, buy a Nordic Map at Pine Mountain Sports off Century Drive and go explore.
  6. I didn't but EXTREMO did!
  7. I'll drop this up on the frontpage of the site to give it some exposure to this past few weeks events. Thanks all for the usefull links.
  8. sk8ting- In the winter to get to the falls you need to either ski, snowshoe or snowmobile a few miles from the snowpark. In the summer, the falls are drive-up access. There are groomed trails for all user types (nordic trails and snowmo trails). The road to the upper snow park can be dicey at times as it isn't plowed often or very well. -timmy
  9. tauntaun bump
  10. Figured someone out there might like to see this... taken yesterday (12/21)
  11. 16: What is the proper way to spot someone sending a sick boulder line?
  12. 69: You have shared a bivy with this man:
  13. OMG, the dad OWNS Baby Jesus!
  14. shapp, we put in at rome, and yes there is gnar to be had on the river, and definately you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there. I wouldn't really call it a conventional raft trip. It's way to plab for that. JayB if you are looking for a cool group to go with, drop me a PT as May gets closer and get some!
  15. One other note... I personally get stoked to see TR's posted... It is really one of the things that makes working on the site worth all the time for me. Right now, more than any other time, it would be great to see some photo-filled reports to put some positive stoke back in the forum. So I contend that a great way to support cc.com, is to get out there, live the dream, and come back and share the stoke this holiday season. KIR timmay
  16. I had a friend who went into the DMV in Oregon to process his Passport, and the lady their (who I'm guessing knows, but it is the DMV after all) said you do not need a Passport to drive into Canada until 2008.
  17. Not Climbing Related (but could be for someone who enjoys Oregon Adventure Climbing)... but I thought we could use some positive stoke here in the Oregon forum. Last May I had the distinct pleasure of spending 4 days on the Owhyee River in Eastern Oregon. My good friend Justin Wellman runs Owyhee River Expeditions and invited me along on the trip, and it was simply amazing. The Owyhee is perhaps one of the most wild-scenic places in all of Oregon... for that matter the Pacific Northwest. The geology of the gorge is rather diverse from 200+ foot basalt walls to Smiff-esque tuft outcrops. Though the river isn't as gnar as some others in Oregon, the beauty of this trip is hard to beat: 14coR0bBBYc For more info on the Owyhee, check out Justin's Owhyee River website: http://www.raft-the-owyhee.com/
  18. Everyone- Please lets keep this thread on subject. We are talking about TaunTauns. Show some respect.
  19. Perhaps one of the best first posts ever.
  20. Great pics gary, and nice TR.
  21. Please keep the spray out of this forum. -Timmy
  22. I read on wikipedia that tauntauns like to eat really big housecats. Is that true?
  23. So I'm trying to understand this.... do you need to get a PLB for your tauntaun too?
  24. 7oJ7oytb8H8
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