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Everything posted by gapertimmy

  1. Ivan- Do this method.... In a post window, like if you are posting a TR, click the little camera icon. This will open a small window that will let you upload 5 pics at once. It works wonderfully. I'm still trying to figure out why the other upload page is tossing a 404 error.
  2. Snowing in Bend this am for a bit... looks like corn is on hold for now down here (no complaints from me)
  3. Mountain Supply (which I really am not too fond of personally) also has shops in Redmond and Bend. Doesn't 'JOES' sell climbing gear?!
  4. ivan, what are you using to upload the pics? the little photo icon or in the gallery directly?
  5. 1.5 miles is almost worth bringing the sleds for... plus it would be sick to build a booter and boost over crevasses on the hayden with the 550. I'm down for Friday or Saturday
  6. the real question jlag is did you get stuck????
  7. w00t! fun times, I felt like shiz this morning (from being sick not beer though) I'll post the pics in a bit....
  8. this was my first year being self employed. i put away the $ knowing I had to pay taxes since it wasn't being taken out automatically, but it still fucking sucks to write that check. some mistakes were made, lessons were learned, but I have setup an SEP IRA to help save some of my $massivebling$ from the man. hope they like the curliez
  9. fwiw, from the pics you can see some avi activity occured a few weeks back after the last major storm cycle. given the recent weeks of spring-like freeze-thaw, things should be pretty stable. additionally, if you are going to just be doing the standard route up/down south, you should be able to navigate around any terrain traps that you might encounter. there was some huge cornices/wet rollers cutting off above moraine lake last weekend. given all the different aspects on Brokentop and South, you can usaually choose the safest aspect given whatever conditions you might encounter during your trip home.
  10. Check eBay. I got the Vista CX with MapSource full north america for ~ $285 shiped, brand new. So far I'm pretty stoked on the Vista. Color screen is pretty nice, functionality is everything I'd ever need in a GPSr and the USB connection is super fast. Having the topos on the GPS is pretty nice too.
  11. No but I threw a grip of short and curlys in the envelope
  12. gapertimmy


    Someone should start a thread with threads of sprayers last post threads
  13. gapertimmy


    just wrote you a check, thanks for the 8D
  14. I just drove past it last night at 8PM, one of these trips over/back I'll make the turn towards meadows.
  15. from st. patty's day on brokentop a few more recent pics are here http://www.flickr.com/photos/gapertimmy/page2/
  16. YEAH!!!! That tour is on the hit list this year. Nice work.
  17. Thanks to those who have sent some $ in. Please be sure to send me a PM so I can link up your avatar-name to the donation. For non-paypaler's, checks/cash can be sent to cc.com world-wide headquarters: Eightequals Designs, LLC 61535 S Highway 97 Suite 9-203 Bend, OR 97702 Also, sending him a card or a note I'm sure would lift his spirits too: Porter Hammer Swedish Hospital, Rm849 747 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122 As alpinfox said, no flowers can be sent there...
  18. Good call on the micro send-bot boy. I bet his toys are cheaper than dad's toys! Here is a PayPal donation button. Anyone who chips in will be added to the normal cc.com donors list (that i'm working to get back in to affect on the new message board system) I realize some don't have $ to donate, but your thoughts and positive vibes mean just as much. Thanks
  19. Well, if nobody says otherwise, I think stoking him out with some gear would do wonders for his 'force'. Pax do you know of anything else he's been really wanting gear-wise? If not I think styling him out with some ski stuff would make him happy. Any other ideas, post them here. I can try to work with some of our sponsors to get some stuff either donated or at cost. I will get a paypal doante button setup, but think we can also just pass the hat at Sausage Fest to get him something.
  20. When one of the fellow ballers on the site has to spend some time in the unsavory hospital environs, I think it is always a good idea to send some support their way. Porter is a great guy and really does alot to keep things running here on cc.com (and keep many of us entertained with his posts as well). So I thought it would be cool to try to pool some resources and either send him some bling to offset costs, or buy him a schwag bag to help him get stoked to get better. I know he has been wanting to get a BC ski setup for a while, but I'm open to suggestions/comments/speculation on how we can send some stoke his way.
  21. another vote for the stubai aluminum. bought them from jim years ago and still use them today as they work great with my ski boots as well as my leather boots.
  22. my guess is the temps might be low in the AM but warming in the afternoon with rising freezing levels to boot! tehsuck!
  23. very nice! thanks for sharing the pics
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