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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. Billygoat


    It is interesting to think that all those companies employ hundreds of high dollar people who work full time figuring out ways to separate people from their money. BTW Beck, you left out starphucks.
  2. Thanks DFA.
  3. Up late, can't sleep?
  4. Iain is a pagetop nabbin' fool!
  5. What pray tell is jumping the shark?
  6. How about Rampage with Chris Sharma, Obe Carrion and friends. A great laid back road trip. I like how they focused on the rock, and the people and not themselves. No spray about ratings or how cool they are. There was a noticable lack of product placement, as opposed to vertical limit (did anyone notice how the logos on the clothes were digitally enhanced in a few of the scenes). It was fun, well put together and had a good soundtrack. Those guys were having a blast and so was I.
  7. Hey, if you guys are breaking skis so much, shims or lighter boots will fix that. Telemarking doesn't have to be full contact you know. I have lived in Telluride and Crested Butte and I have never heard of any telemarkers having knee injuries from their skis not releasing. The worst that happened to me was a mach-speed edge catch on T-ride melt ice that played out into a face first flail with the shovel tip catching the ice whipping the loose tail around and smackning me in the back of the head hard! I bleed all over the place and freaked out a lot of tourists. Come to think of it, that's about when I began believing in luck and predeterminism
  8. Voile has the simple, time tested system: Three pin CRB (Complete Releasable Binding) You can also use the new compression spring cables with this set up. I, however have not used releasables, preferring to make informed decisions regarding terrain and snow pack and avoiding exposure (as well as having a firm belief in luck and predeterminism). I like to tour in on voile pins and then attach the cables for downhill runs. I do agree that not having the skis attached in an avy would be to ones advantage. But if you were on an extended tour, the loss of a ski would kick off an epic.
  9. I wasn't able to make it off the Island, but me and a couple buds watched "Soul Slide". Good shots and soundtrack, not put together as well as Nils Larsen's "Big mountain, Little Skier". Worth seeing. We also watched Lynn Hill freeing "The Nose". Not well put together but WOW! Anyone know if The Cascade River Road is still open to the upper parking lot? I was thinking of going up there this weekend.
  10. So, Sea to Sky. Would that be from Squamish to Pemberton?
  11. Are you talking about touring on permanent snowfields, glaciers or off the road and through he woods or on-piste? The beginnings of snow are here!!!
  12. Hey David, unless you have some fine tuning tweakers desire to "Tweak" I would just mount the pins chord center. I have always had good results and find most people except the vegan-nazi tele tweakers in T-ride agree with this position. Also the advice on shims is a good one.
  13. Dude Mann, Telemarker, all we need is a few inches here on the west side to fill in the sun -cups and we're turnin'. Lets's hook up and go! PM me. Plus, get rid of those Mtn. Surfs and super-poops. Tua cross-rides or Megas with cobras or hotwires will keep you happy.
  14. (10% brain + 5% heart) + 110% attitude / Avatar shield = Chips outlook on concious interaction with his (on-line at least) environment...
  15. Tyrone and Chips, would you guys be as hard (mean) on a large guy climber who knew who you are behind your Avatars?! Methinks not. Your tact would be a little different I bet.
  16. Must admit, I am enjoying the weather. I'm getting more than a few things done outside around the house and we're going climbing at our local crag tomorrow and it won't be wet!
  17. Have faith brother Timmy. Even if we only get 500" this season we're golden. Might be a bit icey tho. Spring skiing will still be great! The only downer will be more glacial receeding. I wonder if we will see the significant loss of the North Cascades glaciers in our lifetime?! I have a feeling that we will be having a taste of Freshiezz by the end of the week.
  18. They're a comin'
  19. Tex, Iain well said
  20. I don't know Mattp. Haiku David and I were up in the Blackcomb backcountry last March and David dropped into this steep narrow chute that gave these local hardcore AT skiers serious pause, on Tua megas with Garmont Garas and nailed it (of course he has 30 years of experience). I had same gear except T-3s and I had trouble down climbing it! I think tele gear can do all that AT can if the user has the mind to do it. BTW, anyone have an idea why there is such a lack of Tele-skiers around Whistler. Are Canadians super influenced by the Euros?!
  21. Billygoat


    No problem. They can be found at Skagit Valley Co-op and The Peoples Co-op in B'ham.
  22. Ahhh. My favorite "less expensive" alternative is 16 oz Iron City in the NR bottle, purchased fresh only, in Pittsburgh (the downer concerning the availability of this brand). Mickeys wide mouths are a good alt (ternative).
  23. BTW MattP, if I wanted to go up the White Salmon Creek drainage, what, do you think, is the best way to access this? From the old contouring skid road off the hairpin just below the day lodge? If yes, where do I go when I come around the point overlooking the drainage? Or, is there some better access lower down? Thanks.
  24. Fin Du Monde after a tour! The best crown on on a good or epic adventure.
  25. Thanks MattP I vote for: Smithbrook this fall after the next good snow settles, Pemberton in Jan/Feb and Hwy 20/Mazama April/May when the pass first opens
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