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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. I'm starting to think that it is better to pay for the access so that those in Washington DC see that we are invested in keeping these areas beautiful, if not pristine. Better us than extractive industry...... Just as long as it does not lead to a and hot cider bar on top of Rainier.
  2. Billygoat

    Cool Sayings

    You're as interesting as as a sack of hammers That fellow is as sharp as a marble Its easier to climb up than down
  3. Billygoat


  4. Billygoat


  5. Its true. I should know. I am one of his many illegitimate children
  6. I guess where I am going with all of this is that we (the human race) needs a fundamental shift in how we view our place on this planet and our relationship with each other or things will always be the same, just different clothes. Everyting is good as long as you are on top is great until you gain a little empathy. It is a short step to the bottom, and institutions and constructs that focus on the bottom line don't take the human condition into account.
  7. Unfortunately, they are our rules and we are only 8% of the population of this planet. The PAX Americana is going to be a hard sell.
  8. Good luck Glacierdog! We support you. Just make it back
  9. I knew it!!! That's hot!
  10. If the Shu don't fit, swap it.... 100 posts. time to go to bed
  11. I am confused. Is it "word" "werd" "wurd" or "wird"
  12. Whoo hooo! At least there is a few of us still up
  13. The whole North by Northwest, LL Cool Nelly JayB thing not the conspiracy theory stuff
  14. Ahhh, it was the best connection I could make at the time
  15. North by Northwest = LL Cool Jay B
  16. I want to say Glacierdog that I respect you for serving our country in the Navy and appreciate the position you are in. I would just like to see your talents and efforts applied in more positive and less politically uncertain ways. The whole situation does not make sense and I don't believe there aren't a bunch of hidden agendas. If it doesn't make sense look for the money. It takes a real compelling argument to make money really worth dying for.
  17. Well yes, but in recent history the British gave them petroleum technology and set them up with artificial (they all are) national boundries and Identities with disregard and ignorance to their long histories and tribal affiliations. We have just stepped in to further the British misconception, as it were...
  18. Or was it Noriega? or Mohamar Khadaffi? Or that Ayhatolla Nutbag?
  19. True, True. It's just that getting rid of Saddam won't be the end of it and he is the smallest punk on the block, besides Grenada.
  20. Exactly Jay. I think we should pay more for our oil rather than invade. I think we are just too invested in keeping that part of the world broken up and at odds with itself (Legacy courtesy of the British) which is why they are so pissed off at us, so we can control and have access to cheap oil. It is in our economic interest not to let Russia or China get it. Pagetop: is it
  21. oh, just something I have observed on an intuitional level
  22. I think Trask and Minx are a couple
  23. Alpine K, sounds like "Wag The Dog" to me
  24. Capt' Caveman I believe but who is son of caveman?
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