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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. Yeah, so why add to this carnage so that we can control access to cheap oil??!!?? I would just as soon pay $3.50 a gallon. The situation would lead to innovation like vehicles that get 50mpg and better mass transit. If we are worried about terrorism lets go and talk to the Saudis If we care about the economy lets go after corporate theives
  2. That's it I'm going! "I know. You dig it the most..."
  3. Has it been unusually warm up there? I was just at Sun peaks with the family and it rained on the mountain the day before we arrived, something the locals say never happens.
  4. What is going on!!!!!!???? Are people forgetting to spread out or is ullarr pissed
  5. Man, that looks great! I will have to research that. That is definitely bettter than a lot of the stuff I am used to. Thanks...
  6. How about exciting and worth a try?? What do you mean "choss pile" Necro (are you named after some French climb)?! Looks like fairly good granite. Are you just trying to keep me away from there Drew wrote up some enthusiatic route description on bivouac.com. The whole area around there looks interesting. Am I wrong. It is a bummer to have it so close to the road but as you all know, if one has to hike more than 15 minutes one loses 98% of the gapers and squids....
  7. Thanks Fern! I appreciate the killer link. That rock looks beautiful. It was hard to make out when I drove past yesterday. The rock seemed like black granite or slate. I will have to do some exploring around there. I take it Dru is Drew Brayshaw. It seems he lives and breathes the alpine
  8. Does anyone know the name of the dark, distinct dome right beside the road at the pass between Hope and Merritt? And what kind of rock it is and who has climbed it
  9. What, did you guys forget they helped us win our independence from the Brits so we wouldn't be a bunch of POMs, plus Gaston is cool...
  10. I did break my voile 3-pin cable a couple weeks ago! I was skiing below Table Mountain and went over a snow covered boulder, caught some air then landed and was about to go over another and all of a sudden stopped dead in my tracks. when I untangled myself I found I had treaded my left ski thru an overturned root ball The impact broke the bail hook bar and I could not clamp it down I was able, however, to tightenup the cables, jam my boot in there and ski down and out to the parking lot in fourteen years of back country touring with voile and 3 pins in general I have yet to be let down. I must say, though, that if those bindings had not been mounted to shims that were mounted to the skis with five instead of three screws, the binding would have ripped out. I am not sure why my knee didn't rip out
  11. Damn Fine! They must have had a good supply of Landjaeger, focus and determination...
  12. Definately I hope they brough lots of Here's to them getting through this
  13. You mean "backcountry" not "British Columbia" when you type "BC"? I hope those people are ok. Any one locate any follow ups?
  14. Well, here we are again. Yes MattP, some time after January first is the soonest I could go. Some associates and I would like to start a Design/Build company with up to ten partners. Any opinions how to set that up? Thanks Mr Simpkins for the detailed info. I will be sure to heed your warnings. Great photo also ! Definately looks like a serious bushwack until some more snow piles up. Itsacarr, if you are in Darrington now, can you get your hands on a digital camera and post a current shot so I can see where the snow is?! Have you done any reconnaisance Alec, sounds good. Where are you? I went up to Table Mountain and did some laps Monday. Beautiful conditions. Had a blast, flailed a bit cause I had trouble getting my powder head on and I am completely out of shape, but on the whole I was totally worked by the end of the day. on the last run I had an interesting thing happen. I threaded my right ski through an overturned tree's rootball. Stopped me dead in my tracks How I did not break or dislocate something I will never know. Broke the hold down for my voile three-pin binding. luckily I was able to tighten the springs on my heel throw to hold me in so I could ski out. There are some nasty things lurking under this late, early season snow cover Got me to thinking about the pros and cons of either going lite and trying to do it in just one day or taking a bunch of gear and enjoying ourselves for a while.
  15. Good stuff. Hey Mattp, maybe you and I should go. Itsacarr has gone MIA Sounds like the burl factor is present, better get going on those crunches ya think Feb-march better infill?! BTW Mattp, do you practice business law?
  16. Thanks Mattp for that excellent beta! How about the Three fingers next door?
  17. Talk about floggin' a dead horse. I hope Anna has recovered from all this attention.
  18. Rainier Burgdorfer claims it is a tough one. Considering the shape I am in , we'd definately have to spend the night. I'd be psyched though. He does recommend good snow pack down to 3,000 feet to avoid a brushy start. Ice axes, crampons and a rope are needed if we want to summit. Do you have a avalanche transceiver so they can find your body should it be necessary?!
  19. I might be interested. A couple a friends might like to go as well. Looks good from the Beckey guide. I have little experience with the area. Send me a PM with names and numbers and we'll see what we can get together. Goat
  20. I just led my my first trad route w/o a tope rope back-up and found it to be completely mental. I was totally gripped placing gear I had to rely upon. The climb was just under my ability threshold but no one had ever climbed it before. when I climbed it a second time on tope rope I cruised right up w/o a care. It also helped to change from mountaineering boots to slippers. If I know the anchor is bomber, I'll push it. I just haven't taken a whipper on trad gear yet. As far as different styles affecting ability, I think ratings are 80% subjective and different types of rock and conditions alter the nature of any climb and climber. Even your partner or lack thereof can profoundly affect your performance/experience
  21. Most of the mountain towns out here are more like Driggs than Jackson. If you are looking for an affordable Jackson I'd head to BC
  22. Is highway 20 open?
  23. So, basically, this next generation of hardperson is further removed from exposure and nature through science, technology, a healthy credit limit and a desire to see the fruits of their 401k, yet still acheive goals and solve problems that our hardman forebears could not visualize or made them cringe....or are there some nutbags in wool still out there?
  24. That sounds like a twight profile. That's all ancient history What is the new iconoclastic hero profile Who is leading the new boundry
  25. Aren't Becky class fours like todays 5.8s?!
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