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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. Well Dru, I thought I'd get in the door first... Erik, right, that's it just get an address and a password if necessary. I'll take care of the rest...
  2. Anyone
  3. The doctor is in 5 Cents
  4. Or is that Lurking
  5. Ahh, you deleted your kind offer and now you are shy
  6. I'll remember that next time I have business down that way
  7. I'll do anything for an autographed picture of Trask
  8. Billygoat


    Sign me up! I'll be the poster boy. I just got hooked. I was up until 2:30 last night
  9. Still looking
  10. IS there anyone from Bellingham or Mt Vernon or Anacortes who is going to Lowell Skoog's talk this Tuesday night in B'ham who has a little couch space I can surf on after the show? I'm coming over from the Islands and there is no late ferry. I'll drive and buy the beer
  11. Wool
  12. Nice
  13. Oh. That post. Trask is just lonely. Minx hasn't been around.
  14. Damn. Sorry bro. I really wanted to go skiing up on Baker with lisa and her posse this weekend. Work didn't cooperate.
  15. Any one we know there right now?
  16. Yeah. It beats reading Rock and Ice.
  17. That is some straight up PC shit Do you work in the Federal Government or in one of those touchy feely consulting firms?
  18. True. Curious how the economy prospers and grows under democratic governance and then the Repblicans get in with their tax cuts and give aways and a bunch of rich folk in the know skim the cream off the top leaving us with the dregs. I think both parties are two arms of the same creature. Obviously this is a gross generalization and there are good people out there, it's just that the overall effect sickens me.
  19. FW, just curious. What has the Republican party really done for you?
  20. There's a reason for that. It's called the law. The respective courts handling these cases have yet to reach a verdict, ergo no one is in jail. JayB, you know only the token scapegoats are going to the country club jails and no one is getting their money back.
  21. Right on GD
  22. Clinton may have made the bed but GW isn't tidying up...
  23. FW, who said Glacierdog and I are left wing?! I'm Green. That's TPH (Typical Progressive Hypocrite) to you
  24. Yeah, but his role is in the international arena. None of those Enronworldcomglobalcrossing MFers have seen any jail time yet! If someone gave me money to build a house a year ago and I spent it on materials and then sold those materials to someone else and pocketed the money and then told the people who gave me the money that I can't build their house now because the money is gone, I would be taken to court and if I didn't pay the money back I would go to jail. The likelyhood of any of those guys besides the token scapegoats seeing jailtime is nil and the chances of investors getting their money backis laughable. It's just like the S&L crisis which George's brother Neal (the one they don't talk about any more) benefitted from big time.
  25. I have a feeling that he owes them one because they supported his campaign. I wouldn't want to be president. You owe too many favors by the time you get into office
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