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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. I'd show him some support if he went after those corporate assholes who stole everyones money and undermined confidence in our system.
  2. Then you can't BBQ them, the meat would be tainted
  3. Everything is so short term in this country. What is the deal!?!
  4. Billygoat

    Cool Sayings

    Say it, don't spray it
  5. Or the roof of a house with a 12/12 pitch, up in the mountains?
  6. I glad you ask! I think 99.9% of the people you will encounter in life that have a reason to wish violence upon you or your loved ones would be too scared to do anything if they did not have a gun to act out their angst. It takes some serious nutz to take someone on w/o a gun. I have a family now and I wish there were not so many around. I keep mine locked up.
  7. It takes the "human touch" out of the picture. Don't you think?
  8. Plus, I think hand to hand combat really gets to the meat of any bone of contention
  9. No, it's great for hunting out of season and inexpensive to use. Saying a sawed off 12 gauge is illegal makes as much sense as outlawing switch blades. And guns should be Illegal, then you and I would be outlaws.
  10. The 10/22 is a quiet, accurate workhorse, all guns should be illegal and the SKS is nice
  11. Yeah, he and Minx got it going on.
  12. Watmough Head! Tonnes of projects waiting for first ascents
  13. Hey seriously, what do people think about this angle?
  14. Where's Greg, I thought my gun post would get him all excited
  15. Yaaayyyy! That's it, "Sweet Cheeks"
  16. RPM for short
  17. It depends on if I am climbing or not
  18. Chris, how horny of a homemaker are you?
  19. I prefer a Ruger 10/22 with a high powered scope for all around and a 12 gauge sawed off for emergencys. The SKS paratrooper carbine with fmj cold war issue East German camoflage rounds containing armour piercing titanium pins is purely for fun.
  20. Serial killers, infrared shower photos and horny homemakers...look out
  21. Try the folks who flew several jumbo jets into assorted buildings on the eastern seaboard instead. I'll think of your unemployment while I'm over there fixing things. If we are so weak that our economy can be destroyed by a few acts of terrorism that only killed a few thousand people and wrecked a few buildings, then I say we are phukt! I mean, what a soft weak and sheltered people we are if we get demoralized so easily. I think people have been stealing the foundation out from underneath us for some time and all it took was a bit of a tremor for us to notice how shaky things are.
  22. Well God Damn!
  23. I had a feeling that he was posing as a climber. So what makes you two, Greg W, so close. A love of books?
  24. Do you guys really think he has a job. He was somehow able to make over 200 posts in the last week or so, at all times of the day or night. Has anyone ever met, climbed with, or drank with this elusive guy? Calling for any verifyable Trask sightings out in the real world
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