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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. Black Schist and Granite.
  2. 220s with snowpines!?! That's pushin' it a bit Mouse. You really have to be able to turn on a dime to avoid the out here. You sound like my kind of BC skier BTW Beckey was at the last Pub Club according to the pictures I saw and I just enjoyed Lowell Skoogs presentation of his book material concerning The history of ski mountaineering in Washington. He is a poster here.
  3. What the hell are those guys talkin' about There's a lot of good info here. I just found out earlier today how far I can ski towards J-berg. What a bunch of piker tele geeks. I bet I could beat their asses driving a pair of Asnes Nansen Mountain 210s with voile plate (first version) bindings while wearing Asolo Snowfield IIs!
  4. Solipsism
  5. Did Iain sic you on me?
  6. We should either come up with a better technology and end our dependence on oil or invade that whole fuckin' region and make them all tax payers. Of course, then they would be free to come visit us...
  7. Maybe we should wake them
  8. How about this: Morals and ethics guide your path through the current times. The current time should not determine your ethics. Knowledge is the only fountain both of the love and the principles of human liberty. -- Daniel Webster -- Completion of Bunker Hill Monument What a bunch of baloney
  9. No grrls to play with tonight
  10. Trask is on the warpath
  11. That's why we have an electorial college. Can't allow "Mob Rule"
  12. Can't pull it up you pullin' fool
  13. I'll Trade you a case of world war II vintage genuine army issue angle pitons complete with rings. All the same size of course but made to form fit into each individual crack.
  14. Holy moley! There's no foolin' you! I did hear it first from Haiku Dave in reference to fate and predeterminism in regards to people actually getting their shit together and making it on a trip.
  15. Dwayner, I think "solipsistic" is more appropriate than "relativistic" as used in your first post. Billy "Strunk and White" Goat
  16. This is my bottom line. I'm into climbing and making money; especially making money so I can climb. GW needs to quit fucking around with Iraq and think about the US economy. Damn straight! Why aren't we going after those corporate theives that have really ruined our economy.
  17. It means our politicians do things for those who contribute $ to their campaigns. The bottom line in the US is the "Bottom Line"
  18. Pendulous breasts in my hands Cupping them delicately I think of Trask
  19. Billygoat

    Lady in need

    Ah, don't get me wrong AK, I think both Amber and Trish troll gags are funny, it's just some of the reactions make one look like such an ass and really aren't that witty. But I guess that's the way it goes
  20. Thanks Rat.
  21. Billygoat

    Lady in need

    I think most of the guys here are intimidated by women and react in a junior high kind of way to dispel their nervousness. Trask is one of the few who seem to handle women in a mature, albeit randy way.
  22. We have done the "heavy lifting" because the actions usually benefit US business interests. " The business of America is Business." Herbert Hoover
  23. How far down the road does the snow come? At what point could I put on my skis and tour up?
  24. Definitley! It is a way to access the peaks.
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