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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. The drive is beautiful, should be done during the day. Keep an eye out for Yak Peak! There is a toll road, like $10 US. There are a couple bars and definitely some young locals but it is no Whistler, but better than Glacier (unless you know the right folks . If you are not searching for girls then should be an opportunity for some one on one time. If you really want to party you two could and go skiing! Always fun...
  2. I was there a month ago. Took the whole family and went with many others. Great place, definitely family oriented (read: no great party scene) Long runs, lots of grooming, snowmaking, Some good blacks, plenty of lifts and no lines, cheap tickets and lodging. If you need a massage, Sonia Dobson of Sun Peaks Massage Therapy, excellent relaxation and sports massage! I wanted to try the snow cat deal, didn't have time. It looked tempting tho. Sounds like a great deal.
  3. I think we have successfully placed all three at the same place at the same time. So how come the Rock and Ice editors left out Earl's partners (space?) and how come Ed left out mention of Earl (couldn't be lack of space, the book is huge)?! Is there a bigger story? Ruffled feathers? A tryst with the Lawgoddess?!
  4. Mystery solved
  5. How many pitches is it?
  6. The picture in Ed Webster's book only shows he and Becker high on the route. one can see both ends of the rope. Maybe Wiggins soloed it, pre placing gear for the others to clip; a kind of prelude to sport climbing?!?
  7. Thanks Scott One wonders why they left each other out of their respective writings. Might be a story here...
  8. I am reading Ed Webster's "Snow In the Kingdom" and in it he says (includes photo of the two on the wall) that he and Bryan Becker made the first ascent of Super Crack (5.10b) at Indian Creek circa 1976 and in this months Rock + Ice in a tribute to Earl Wiggans a photo shows Earl making the first ascent of Supercrack (5.10+) at Indian Creek, same era. Bueler? Anybody...?
  9. A Basin unless you want to drive further. If the skiing sucks go party in Telluride. The girls there aren't mormons but definitely like to
  10. What's the T area like in August, Ehmmic?
  11. I might be going to Toloulomne Toulolomne Tololoumne AHHHH howeveryou spell it man, that place, then I want to go to Vicuna, then the Green Giant, Stuart...........
  12. I have one of their tents, a 15* bag and a fleece shirt. The tent and the bag are good but average. The shirt had crappy stitching and is quickly in the process of unraveling. I expected something tougher, but should have known by the price. Overall, their stuff is ok but not tuff. Arc Teryx, Bibler, Ibex that stuff is tuff!
  13. Speed bumps kill
  14. In all fairness to SAR, miscommunications are the norm. I used to be an EMT with the Fire Dept. and it was common to get unclear and wrong descriptions of the scene. For example; We were once paged out to a man kicked in the chest by a horse, a pretty serious if not critical injury. When we arrived, there was a man laying on the groud by a table saw. It turns out the table saw kicked a piece of wood back and it hit him in the chest and felt, to him, like a horse kicked him. If some one was listening to the scanner they would have incorrect information describing what took place.
  15. What's a name cost these days, just need an idea, need to know if I can buy a new ice screw or save up for the name. At least $40. Go to "who's online" upper left corner, look for the "hang ten braw" hand and click on "here". If you want to avoid ads for ice screws on this site, you best be chipping in
  16. Well De-lish Trish, I don't see you wearin' sack cloth, unless you mean "let's hit the...!"
  17. I think I figured out which photos are Mattp, Allison, icegirl, and Alpine K but who are the rest?
  18. Yeah, Doolittle, look at his photo.
  19. Yeah. It seems climbers have become soft, spending their days posting and perusing various websites. A Black Diamond exec was quoted as saying " You just have to follow the demographic."
  20. Definitely! he is all blurry lookin'
  21. True. She had that look in her eye and claimed to know a few friends of mine...
  22. Cause we donate $$$$$
  23. Trask, have you tried Wild Irish Rose? Not bad. WTF is Do little talkin' about?
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