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Everything posted by minx

  1. We missed you too... i had to work but i sent a representative in my place.
  2. the other moderators will love me for this. underneath all the debates, i still don't know why people think chopping bolts does any good. 1) it doesn't restore the rock back to its original condition. there is a scar left behind. 2) half the time people seem to leave manky old bolts half sticking out. that's not safe at all 3) its also not safe when people who don't know the route has been partially chopped to get a few bolts up only to find out they're screwed. if it returned the rock to its original state, theres many places that i would support the argument but as it is i don't see the point.
  3. that's surprisingly good decision making for a bunch of smashed fucks. was the drunken mob going to ride with you? or were they sending you out as a solo search party?
  4. nice work! happy birthday. hope you're doing something fun today with this perfect weather. it was a bad year for a lot of people i know. would ya all please stay healthy? there needs to be as many reasons as possible to celebrate. beers to ya, kurt!
  5. so the girl shot the guy while he was running out of the house? doesn't that mean it wasn't self defense at that point? isn't she in trouble? i'm kidding...sort of.
  6. minx


    this just seems like a bad idea to me. but hey its her good night sleep she's giving up. so be it.
  7. if kevbone is allowed to live then why not these whales?
  8. minx


    but was your Grandma short?
  9. minx


    ok-oly, only you...but that's cuz of your mad lurking skillz
  10. minx


    i hate all of you and don't miss you a bit.
  11. minx


    is coiting a real word?
  12. minx

    no climbing

    muffy- you'll know when your foot can take it. I broke my foot in Feb. I couldn't put ski boots on to save my soul but I found some too big climbing shoes and was out climbing in a few weeks. not too much but enough to keep me sane.
  13. i love a TR that has a good story and pics with it. generic ones are fine too but Kurt is right. the humor is always great.
  14. whoa -- people. this is totally lame. how much of your life does clicking on a TR really consume? you can usually tell right off if you're interested. close it and move on if its not your style. all kinds of TRs are encouraged. you gumbied your way up your first 5.8 gear lead-- excellent! you've just had a great alpine trip--even better. but really its the 84th dragontail TR posted--so what! go for it. i love the pictures as much as anything. post away! all of that said, i don't post many TRs b/c i don't feel like writing them. sometimes i just e-mail them to my friends who might be interested. my TR for this weekend. i did a lot of stuff. some of it was really really a big deal for me. none of it was climbing related so i'm not posting it here. since i didn't get to climb, i'd love to live vicariously through the rest of you who did. get to it! post away. for the rest of you elitist snobs, scag off. what the hell makes you think no ones interested in anything but the hard, unique stuff? that stuff is for magazine. this is a local little internet forum not a gloss issue of alpinist.
  15. minx

    Just awful

    was your kid allergic to p-nuts? no, he's not canadian
  16. minx

    Just awful

    no, come on seriously, this is better than my technique of locking the kid in the closet with a jar of peanut butter and a bottle of water while i'm gone. i just don't see what you people are so upset about?
  17. minx

    Just awful

    did he turn it on? seems like convenient storage for an annoying child
  18. i'll pay a beer for a ride with you. maybe next week sometime?
  19. minx

    new bike

    so where is the best bike shop in the greater seattle/bellevue/tacoma area?
  20. i love mattp
  21. that's his age in light years i believe. yes he is also a mole. haven't you seen his avatar? looks pretty much like an old mole to me.
  22. 6.022×10^23
  23. somehow, no matter who it is, i feel a little slimy revelling in someone's death. even teh falwell.
  24. interested in buying a used bike suitable for commuting to work. anyone?
  25. minx

    I_like_To rant

    hmmm...my husband and i make roughly same annual salary.
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