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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    So, ummm, yeah.....

    ahhh...yes b/c there's only one version of sexy out there. right?
  2. i don't think that was the original point. i think the point was related to hes demeanor while he was shooting --cool and calm. not that he wasn't nuts with or without video games.
  3. hey-this is no laughing matter. my son had his nose broken with a stick recently. there was blood everywhere! can you imagine the carnage if both of them had sticks???
  4. if everyone had a gun. people would definitely get shot. it would become a challenge to see who could shoot faster. "yeah fuck you buddy....bam! sorry, too slow. you're dead."
  5. while i'm not a huge proponent of guns and have mixed views on the second ammendment and all its connotations, in this case i don't think guns are the problem. i think that "crazy" is the problem. i'd like to say that if we banned guns this wouldn't have happened. i doubt that's true. there are so many guns out there right now that if we banned them today, i can't imagine that it wouldn't be decades or longer before easy access to guns was a thing of the past.
  6. work too many jobs try to keep with my son and husband ride horses ski occasionally run a little
  7. i wasn't saying that anyone should recognize him. i'd just hope that perhaps, some would take a moment in time to enjoy some great music.
  8. Not me. That's high-time for ho-ing. yeah-but that's the start of the work day for you. ya know, kind of like morning to the rest of us
  9. :lmao:
  10. what's that old George Carlin routine? words mean nothing until we give them meaning? they're just a collection of letters? this whole thing does nothing to improve anything in this country. Imus is an ignorant slut for saying it. period. HOWEVER if this had been handled properly from the beginning the words wouldn't have had much power. CBS should have quietly said at the very beginning "you're fired." If they had done that, it might've indicated that we've made progress in this country. Instant recognition that it wasn't acceptable would've taken away some of negative power of those words. The fact that there was any debate about it or that they thought a suspension would suffice just shows that bigotry continues to thrive at the highest corporate levels. Those words have meaning b/c of the actions of the people in control of the situation. Al Sharpton is the biggest ho of them all.
  11. Joshua Bell is a fantastic musician and doesn't always play "classical" music although you're never go to hear anything he does on mainstream radio. i've go the CD "Heartland" in the car right now. it would hardly qualify as classical. i would be interested know what would happen if people were on their way home. in the mornings, i tend to be much more focused on what's ahead. i might be more likely to take a moment and listen in the afternoon.
  12. what if i want some porn but i don't want to have to work for it?
  13. minx


    14 - 3?!?! zoinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. me too-- but i think it conjures up a different image for me than it does for the rooster.
  15. minx

    Alpine start

    6:16 is an alpine start? mice sure do have nice schedules!
  16. that's not true. if he brought his kangaroo to help me to the top of any peak in AK, i'm in. i'm leaving right now but i want webcam pics of the kangaroo on the ruth glacier first.
  17. its JUST to the left of erectile dysfunction. shiny new bolts.
  18. minx


    what's the teen pregnancy rate in Idaho?
  19. dude- you didn't hit a nerve with anyone. you said some lame stuff and got smacked down a bit. a) most of us on this site aren't in AK at the moment and can't drop everything to zip on up to climb with a rookie climber that none of us know anything about. not generally considered a good plan for a climbing trip b) those who are headed to AK in the coming weeks already have plans and partners. c)you're 21. the exuberance of youth is a fantastic thing but you certainly haven't seen it all or even very much when it comes to WI5 or life. there's no climbing rulebook that says climbing has to be the #1 priority for all climbers or that we all have to strive to be the next steve house or lynn hill or anyone else. i am a half assed slightly moderate climber and happy with it. now get out there, quit bitching and go climb something and write a fantastic trip report. we'll all certainly enjoy a good story of a trip in the mountains.
  20. i've got many, that doesn't even make the top 10
  21. ok-i came home from work late, went to let the dogs out and the coffee table was not where i had left it. hit the leg of the coffe table with my foot. at least rumr had something fall on his. mine was completely my own doing. couldn't believe that i broke more than a toe!!!
  22. counterfeit fake, i am too embarrassed to share that story. suffice it to say, it was dumb and did not involve climbing or anything cool at all.
  23. choada- look, you're being a wank. i know that when i hurt mine it was a lot more pain than "ow, i hurt my foot" it was pretty intolerable for a little while. if you had come up and asked me if I needed help, in the first few minutes after it had happened i might've said yes. i was home alone and gave some serious thought to going to the hospital myself. i had no idea if it was serious or not. it hurt so bad that i couldn't see, was nauseous from the pain, and got very cold and shaky within the first few minutes. fortunately, or not, having done something similar in the past, i had an idea that if i could tough it out for a little while, things would likely hurt a lot less and then i could assess the situation. it was an hour before i stopped feeling like i was going pass out everytime i sat up. i would imagine that this gal felt similarly. if someone asked if she needed help, its easy to see how she could've said yes. the staff did the right thing.
  24. true enough. i think i would've called back and told them not to come. when i broke mine a couple months back, i kept telling myself what a wuss i was being and just whimpered on the couch for a while. that seemed to help. not having any witnesses helped even more. that and a friend had just broken their pelvis in multiple spots a few days earlier, kept reminding myself that i couldn't be in THAT much pain so I better just suck it up. sometimes things hurt really badly and there's just no way to know what the injury is.
  25. it might have seemed far worse initially. they staff probably made the right decision and called for help. who knows, by the time they got there, she might not have wanted the paramedics. i recently broke some toes and a metatarsal. it was really really really painful the moment it happened. couldn't see straight, wanted to vomit, almost called 911 after about an hour it was tolerable. give her/them a break
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